Corey Cole's Homepage

What the heck does Corey do all day?

About me:

I graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 1995 with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering. I quickly put my degree to work throwing luggage and dispatching aircraft for Chicago Express at Midway airport in Chicago. Before too long, I'd had enough of those cold midwest winters. So I returned to Arizona to work for Honeywell's Business and Commuter Aviation Systems division. While there I wrote test software for the Primus 2000 EFIS system.

In June of 1996, I packed up my stuff and moved back to the Puget Sound to work for Boeing's Commercial Aircraft Group. I was hired as a simulation software engineer. That job involved integrating real aircraft hardware, test hardware, and a software simulation (think Microsoft Flight Simulator on steroids) together in a the shell of an airplane cockpit.

Next stop on my whirlwind career tour was The Cobalt Group. I was convinced that no place of business could be managed worse than Boeing. Boy was I wrong! It didn't take long before I was itching for a change.

My next employer wasCotelligent, an IT consulting firm. I was on staff, which meant no contracting gigs for me.

When I moved to Phoenix, I got a job with NetSearch, an Aether service. It was really fun work, involving Java, C/C++, wireless and the internet. Did I forget any buzzwords there? Check out this very cool RIM pager. They've got an Intel 386 inside! If you get a chance to play with one, take it.

Aether decided that all serious engineering was going to be done back east. That means time for Corey to get a new job. It took me all of a week to find a new job, and now I'm back at Honeywell. (I can just hear Darth Vader saying "...and now the circle is complete.")

Mail Me (you'll need to fix the domain though)