Last Modified: Tuesday September 16, 2003 ![]() ![]() Hits since August 19, 1999 E-mail: Places of Interest: The YackShack Online Programming About Me Eternal City Page Programming/Games More Links Crab Racing Recent Posts: Programming and Revival? Online Gaming Laziness... Jokes Section The New Look |
Welcome to BigPete's
Today's Date:
Message of the Day
Welcome to the new look of BigPete's World of Entertainment!
Most of the site is under reconstruction, ![]() ![]() HAVE FUN! TRUTH IS... I haven't done anything at all to this page for a year, I have updated the 'About Me'. That's it. Some links will be innactive, but I'll get to that some other day. Posted: Tuesday 7th November, 2000
The New Look
I just came in here, and decided, that I HATED the way that my site was constructed and decided that I would give a full new feel to it.
Hopefully, the way that I am constructing it will make it all easier to go through and see and all that. Posted: Wednesday 8th November, 2000
Jokes Section
I am currently hard at work creating the jokes section. The hardest bit, I am finding, is to make it easy to navigate through, while finding a happy medium between too many pages and links, and too much on each page...
If you have any jokes that you think others would like to see, go to The YackShack and add it/them there, or e-mail it to: Posted: Wednesday 7th March, 2001
Well... it's nearly 5 months, and still no jokes section...
Truth is that I've just been too lazy, and not getting around to it... I'll be getting into it soon (I think). Posted: Thursday 8th March, 2001
Online Gaming
I have been playing some online games lately, and I've decided to chuck something up about them...
1: Eternal City: The Eternal City is a text based RPG set in roman times. Generally you go around, role playing and doing whatever it is that your character does... You get to choose a skill that you start with. The choices are: Healing, Locksmith, Outdoors, Knives, Staves, Spears, Swords, Pickpocketing... Each different skill pretty much offers you a completely different type of game... I like it.
Link to The Eternal City!
(If you see Laverous in game, say hi to him [me]. I'll be more than willing to help out) ICQ No: 8760775 E-mail: 2: Shattered Empires: Shattered Empires is a turn based strategy game, where you have a nation, and you build it up and it's armies, join an alliance, research new technologies, and fight it out to rule the world. Well... Something like that... I like that too. I am New Cheltenham, so send me a message, and join the IFU. Second best alliance in the game (allied with the best). Posted: Tuesday 16th September, 2003
Programming and Possible Revival
NOTE TO SELF! When doing an update, DO NOT PRESS BACKSPACE KEY!!! This is now the THIRD time that I am entering this update. The backspace key seems to cooperate with deleting letter LIKE IT BLOODY WELL SHOULD, until you are about in the last few sentences... I am getting sick of it!
OK, Here we go again... I was thinking just when I was typing this (FOR THE FIRST TIME) that it has been so long since I have played around with HTML code (let alone updated this page...) It was just a long time since I'd seen HTML code... Well, now after entering all this post three times, I'm getting quite used to it... (I know I used one too many commas in that sentence, but I am NOT using that backspace key! I will not do this a fourth time :P OK, I have been getting into the programming frame of mind in the past week, and have some small, medium and huge plans for the upcoming half year. Maybe I might even update this page somewhat regularly... I have decided to make a few games and test that they run on here, the first that I put on will be someone else's "crab racing" game, but it's just to make sure that Geocities will let me run Javascript games, because I don't want to waste my time... I am also wanting to make a few text-based strategy games, because I think that would be nice. I am also thinking of making a chat room, just as a test to make a smallish server-type thing as a prerun for my bigger projects... The HUGE announcement is that I have begun design of a MUD (if you don't know what it is, it's a text-based game, sorta like an adventure game... you'll find out, I'm not explaining tonight...) I have spent the last week researching code bases, test compiling and looking for a way to get EXACTLY the way I want it without having to lean heavily on someone else's code. I had thought of using the SMAUG1.4 codebase, BUT somehow I'm having no luck in getting it to compile, and the combat system is NOTHING like what I want it to be. I have refused to waste months making the code everything that I want to find that I can't get the damn thing to compile on my antiquated piece of equipment... I have also found that there is not much out there in the way of Visual Basic for MUDS so I have decided that since I have used alot of Visual Basic, that I will go against the flow and give it a go. I have found a lovely piece of source code that is bare, exactly what i was looking for since I don't have to hack out 20,000 lines of code that I don't like and want to change. So, that's that, and enough rambling. Once i get started on it, and getting it up for running, I will start looking for beta-testers, and (SO MANY TYPOS, I PHEER THE BACKSPACE :P ) start giving hints and stuff as to what the game is about and all the rest... Anyway, maybe I will update this page more often as I will be spending more time looking at screens full of hard code, instead of chatting and playing games. Bye! (WOOHOO! THIRD TIME WAS LUCKY! *SAVES!*) |