Film Songs Recipes India VirtualHome Photos Family Write us

  This is our home. Far away from home, across the seven seas we live in the hope that someday we will return to the land where we were born. Until then, this country the all absorbing USA, is home.

For a couple displaced from their roots, far away from family and friends, feeling homesick is but natural. To makeup for this feeling of detachment, and to generate a feeling of belonging, we built this home. A home on the ground that transcends all borders, physical and political, the World Wide Web. It is here that we invite all those whom we would love to host but are unable to due to the miles separating us.

To all those who come upon this site, we beseech you to kindly convey our address to anyone who you think may want to visit us. In this place you’ll find news about us and of interest to us, those close to us may come here to share our happiness and console our tears. As long as the miles separate us, for friends, family, well-wishers... for all of us


FilmSongs Recipes India VirtualHome Photos Family Write us

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