Neil's Website


News: Donations link added - May 2006


Sly Autorun and Sly Installer are freeware products.

The PayPal button below has been added to help facilitate the large number of inquiries received regarding donations.

Thank you for your support.


Sly Autorun v2.0 - Uses the Windows Autorun feature to automatically launch any file type by inserting a CD.
Sly Installer v2.2 - Uses the Windows Autorun feature to automatically display a configurable menu for launching files.
Sly Installer v2.1 Pro - Same as above, plus includes the data file editor (Sly Script Builder).

* Please note that the above software is no longer supported by the author.

Additional information on the Windows 'Autorun' Feature

Microsoft - Q136214 - How to Test Autorun.inf Files (95/98/ME)
Microsoft - Q155217 - How to Enable or Disable Automatically Running CD-ROMs (NT4/2000)
Microsoft MSDN - Creating an Autorun-enabled CD-ROM Application

Software FAQ

Q. Do either Sly Installer or Sly Autorun run on other platforms like MAC OS?
A. No, these products are designed to run on Microsoft Windows operating systems only.

Q. What versions of Windows are supported by Sly Installer and Sly Autorun?
A. Testing has been done on Windows 95/98/98SE/NT4/2000 (users claim that they also work properly with Windows ME and XP).

Q. What is the cost of getting customizations done to these products?
A. Due to the overwhelming demand, I have discontinued providing custom versions of these products. I simply don't have time to continue providing this service (this was just a hobby).

Q. Will customizations be available again in the future?
A. There is no plan to provide this service in the future.

© Copyright 2006, Neil Caldwell