Paul T Barton's Stuff: (BartSr) "Bart Senior"
So nick-named by the Lutskovsky Bros.
Drudge Who?

These two sites were the inspiration for continuing with any CoCoZilla and CoCo2 & CoCo3 hardware projects.
I still have most everything pictured with maybe two exceptions that were sold as functional hardware.
The first site was started when I worked at NuVision3D creating "3DSpex" hardware and firmware including the wireless glasses & transmitters
The second one - Well, I can't remember, I'm 64 now and that's my excuse!
CoCoZilla - Resurrected - The first site - About 75%; some stuff missing.
CoCoZilla - Resurrected - The second site - About 100%%.
MyDesk - Pictures of a coco3 setup where I used to work...


Mostly balisongs:
Knives Index Page

63 both of us, taken at 60.
Sue and I

MiniSumo Robots
NanoSumo Robots

Various Mountain Dulcimers:
(Not hammered)
Gifted to Jessica Barton
Mountain Dulcimers Several types, old pictures.
Karen Correll's Dulcimer, #5
Dulcimer Number 7

Amigo Guitar Neck repaired and then converted to a Baritone Ukelele.

Chainmail Various Hauberks & Coifs. (Now with Pictures!)
Ring Closing Pliers Shows how they work + pictures.
This page updated: Oct 02, 2009.
Paul T Barton - idezilla - cocozilla - aka BartSr
<= This is a graphic you can't click it.
i am a total geek