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EW's Gadget Zone

Hi  I'm Eng-Whatt.  Welcome to my personal review website.


1999 Nov 25 Added OnHand PC-Ruputer apps review
1999 Nov 24 Posted OnHand PC review
1999 Nov 20  Website revamped

As a self-proclaimed Gadget freak, I have been dabbling with the rather expensive hobby of mobile computing.

Please excuse the raw nature of this web page.  I'm not really into web site development, and am merely using this site so that others can download neat stuff and share information with me.

The following is a list of things which I have used.  The items with links contains information specific to the device.  When I have the time, I will start posting up reviews for each of the items below.  So do check back again if you are interested in finding out more about these gadgets:

1. Palmtops:
HPLX100, HPLX 620, HP Jornada 680, PalmPilot, Cassiopeia PalmPC E-10

2. Laptops:
Libretto 50CT, Acer Notebooks, Toshiba Protege 660CDT, ASUS F7400

3. Watches:
Casio Databank/Twincept/Calculator, Timex Datalink, Timex Ironman Datalink, Matsucom onHand PC

4. Mobile Storage:
Syquest 270Mb, Syquest Syjet 1.5Gb, Iomega ZIP 100Mb, Castlewood ORB 2.2Gb.

5. Digital Cameras:
Casio QV11, Casio QV100

6.  Video Cameras:
Sony SC65

7. Portable Movie glasses:
Sony Glasstron

8. Portable VCD players:

If you would like to discuss about any of the above devices, please feel free to email me @

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