Phoenix's Lair

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This site is all about computers! Well, almost.  What will be here is a good mix of things.  Everything from hardware to software, a little bit about the HTML language, and lots more!  I'll even have some music!

This page is just getting started; please be patient as I get all of the material up and running for you.  If you'd like to be notified when this page is updated, drop me a line at this address.   Tell me your name, what you like about the page, what you don't like about it, and what you'd like to see here.  If you have a favorite link you'd like to share, send that along too.  Now, browse through the page and enjoy!

I think that by now, most people know what an MP3 file is. If not, here's a short explanation: an MP3 is a very audio cool file. It gives you CD quality music using very little space. Most MP3's are about 1MB per minute. Here's an example. Filter did a cover of One by Three Dog Night for The X-Files: Fight The Future soundtrack. The song is 4:40 and takes up 4.48MB while in WAV format at the same quality it is well over 70MB! Anyway, the reason I am going though all this trouble is because to play these files, you need an MP3 player and most people use something called Winamp. You can change the appearance of this player by downloading and applying what are called 'skins'. Well, I made my own Winamp skin! It's a skin featuing the logo for The X-Files: Fight The Future. If you have Winamp, you can download it by clicking the picture below.

Download my Fight The Future skin for Winamp!

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