Siri's Home

H.No.5-34-1A 3/17,Brodipet
Guntur 522002 A.P India

31,Mara Rd
Lake Hiawatha, NJ
07034. USA


Welcome to Sreedhar and Uma's home page.I have B.Tech (E.C.E)from Nagarjuna University
1990-1994.Uma Has B.Tech(C.S)from Andhra University1996-2000. I am a Telecom engineer working in New york.I worked in Chennai between 1994-1996 and in New delhi between 1996-2000.

My father R.Sreenivasa rao is a Rtd.teacher .My mother Hymavathi is house wife .Uma's father S.Prabhakarrao Suptd TTD .Her mother Leelavathi house wife.

I am interested in music.Likes all kinds of classical stuff from Balamurali to Mandlin srinivas ,Hariprasad Chourasia,etc.etc.All kinds of movie songs stuff telug/hindi/tamil.I certainly enjoys Beethoven/Vivaldi.Uma likes photography and home making.

Next interesting thing is reading ..I read from Viswanadha Satynarayan to Yandamuri ..Salman rusdie to Mario puzo ..Litlle bit philosophy fiction . I see movies all languages like any body else i watch popular stuff the people who impresses me are Ram gopal verma /Maniratnam/Viswanadh/Deepa Mehta ..International i like standard holly wood fare action stuff.

I am member Ieee. I am involved in the e-groups R&JC90-94 ECE batch you can send e-mail for this group This is group of 90-94 E.C.E batch ..



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