Counter visitantes.


  1. Introdução
  2. HTML, Bancos de dados, CGI, Java, XML.
  3. Internet, Intranet, Extranet.
  4. Comércio na Internet.
  5. Marketing na Internet.
  6. Segurança: criptografia, SSL, SET.
  7. Ferramentas para o Comércio Eletrônico.
  8. Laboratório: Pesquisas, HTML.

Arquivos PPT:


  1. Tutoriais em geral:
    1. Internet e seu Potencial de Negócios, Leonardo Toscano (http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/4630/capit.htm)
    2. Putting small business on-line freemerchant.com. The easiest, fastest and most powerful way to sell your goods and services on the Internet. (http://www.freemerchant.com)
    3. Starting and Managing a Successful Online Business (http://www.bizmove.com/internet/startinginternet.htm)
    4. On-line Marketing Tips, Strategies and Secrets, How to Start and Promote Virtually Any Business, Product or Service on the Internet (http://www.marketingtips.com/)
    5. WebMonkey e-commerce tutorials. (http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/e-business/?tw=tutorials)
    6. Myths And Realities (http://www.informationweek.com/712/12iumyt.htm)
    7. Curso Internet Business da FGV (http://dm.usway.com.br/acm/curso_IB_PEC/IB-grade.html)
    8. Cartilha do Comércio Eletrónico, SEBRAE (http://www.iel.cni.org.br)
  2. Estatísticas:
    1. www.dataquest.com
    2. www.100hot.com
    3. IDGNow (www.idgnow.com.br)
    4. MediaMetrix (www.mediametrix.com)
    5. Nua Internet (www.nua.ie)
    6. Nua Internet How Many Online: Internet Statistics (http://www.nua.ie/surveys/how_many_online/index.html)
    7. IBOPE INTERACT/Digital (http://www.ibope.com.br/digital/ad_wen40.htm)
    8. eCommerce Statistics (http://www.epaynews.com/statistics/index.html)
  3. Marketing na Internet:
    1. AddIt! (www.liquidimaging.com/submit) cadastro em 12 sites de pesquisa
    2. WebMaster Meta (www.mrmultimidia.com/webmaster/webmaster.htm) cadastro em 30 sites de pesquisa
    3. DoubleClick - The Global Internet Advertising Solutions Company (http://www.doubleclick.com/)
    4. Internet Business Guides, Tips and New Ideas (http://www.bizmove.com/internet/index.htm)
    5. Internet Marketing Center (http://www.marketingtips.com/tipsltr.html)
    6. A Comparison of World Wide Web Audience Estimates Utilizing Two different Approaches (http://www.mediametrix.com/Methodology/Convergence.html)
  4. Free:
    1. Free PCs: www.free-pc.com
    2. Why Tech's Smartest Empire Builders are Giving It All Away (http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_3742.html)
    3. Free Email Address Directory : Your guide to choosing a free email address (http://www.emailaddresses.com/)
    4. Totally Free Stuff!! - Totally Free Stuff!! The best place for freebies on the web. (http://www.totallyfreestuff.com/)
    5. FreeIndex.com (http://www.freeindex.com/)
    6. FREE,FREE,FREE! - If it's FREE, we list it. (http://www.freesite.com/)
    7. AAA Free Backgrounds and Textures (http://www.AAABackgrounds.com)
  5. Business-to-costumer:
    1. Pix.com (http://pix.com)
    2. UPS (http://www.ups.com)
    3. Dell (http://www.dell.com)
    4. Apple (http://www.apple.com)
    5. FedEx (http://www.fedex.com)
  6. E-Commerce for free:
    1. Build a Web Store Quickly, Easily, and Inexpensively (http://www.icatcorp.com/products/ico/)
    2. FreeMerchant.com (http://www.freemerchant.com/)
  7. E-Commerce Geral
    1. Wilson Internet Services (http://www.wilsonweb.com/)
    2. e-commerce newsletter Web Commerce Today (http://www.webcommercetoday.com/wct/)
    3. ZDNet E-Business - homepage (http://www.zdnet.com/icom/e-business/)
    4. PC Magazine: Web Storefronts (http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/features/storefront/index.html)
    5. StarMedia Shopping (http://www.starmedia.com/shopping)
    6. Story: Credit, E-Cash or Smart Card? How to Make Sense (Cents?) of Online Payment Methods (http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_2935.html)
    7. EcommercePulse (http://www.ecommercepulse.com/)
    8. Story: This Summer's Ecommerce Blockbuster: Why Works.com is a Natural Born Killer (http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_3561.html)
    9. Story: Berst-Kept Secret: How PowerWallet Could Change Ecommerce (http://www.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_3614.html)
    10. Webmonkey: e-business: E-Commerce Tutorial (http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/99/04/index0a.html)
    11. Myths And Realities: e-commerce (http://www.informationweek.com/712/12iumyt.htm)
    12. Building An Internet Based Business (http://www.bizmove.com/internet/startinginternet.htm)
    13. Programas de Associados (http://www.AssociateProgram.com)
    14. Artigos (http://www.bizweb2000.com/articles)
  8. Educação à distância
    1. Comparison of Online Educational Applications - full Features and Techinfo Table (http://www.edutools.info/course/compare/all.jsp)
    2. International Council for Open and Distance Education (http://www.icde.org/)
    3. ZD University: Course Catalog: (http://www.zdu.com/catalog/deptcatalog.asp?DepID=15)
    4. AulaNet (http://aulanet.les.inf.puc-rio.br/aulanet/)
    5. Mentor - O Centro do Conhecimento na Web (http://www.mentor.com.br/)
    6. Blackboard (http://members.bboard.com/bbn/hpage.htm)
    7. Biblioteca Virtual de Educação a Distância. (http://www.prossiga.br/edistancia/)
    8. LearningSpace Central (http://www.lotus.com/)
    9. TopClass ()
    10. Educación a Distancia - Nuestro propósito (http://www.educadis.com.ar/home2.htm)
  9. Finanças:
    1. Charles Schwab: Invest With a Market Leader (
    2. E*TRADE - Home (http://www.etrade.com)
    3. ZDII Inter@ctive Investor (http://www.zdii.com/index.asp?display=extra)
    4. Agência Dinheiro Vivo (http://www.advivo.com.br/)
  10. Sistemas de Pesquisa
    1. How Search Engines Work (http://www.searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/work.html)
    2. Search Engine EKGs: Comparing Search Engines (http://www.searchenginewatch.com/reports/ekgs/index.html)
    3. Ask Jeeves (http://www.ask.com/index.asp)
    4. Yep - a surf engine that lists your site based on quality (http://www.yep.com/)
    5. Mamma.com - The Mother of All Search Engines (http://www.mamma.com/)
    6. Família Miner (http://www.miner.com.br)
    7. PositionAgent - Monitor Web Site Search Engine Rankings On Top Search Engines, Improve Search Engine Listings To Get More Hits - Position Agent by LinkExchange (http://www.positionagent.com)
    8. eyescream interactive Dogpile Top 200 Search Words January-July 1997 (http://www.adz.net/top200/dogpiletop200.html)
  11. E-Services:
    1. E-services Defined (http://www.hp.com/e-services/)
    2. HotOffice Technologies, Inc. (http://www.hotoffice.com/home.asp?bt=1)
    3. O Elefante - Porque esquecer é humano! (http://www.elefante.com.br/cgi-bin/login.cgi)
    4. When (www.when.com)
    5. E*OFFERING (http://www.eoffering.com/)
    6. www.curriculum.com.br (http://www.curriculum.com.br/)
    7. Help no site da Sharp: resposta a 75% das perguntas (http://www.sharp.com)
    8. SAC, Internet Business, No18, p68
    9. Passagens aéreas
    10. reserva de hotéis
    11. Turista virtual (http://www.vtourist.com/)
    12. MS Carpoint compra de carros (http://www.carpoint.com/product.asp)
    13. locação de imóveis
    14. tradução multilíngue
    15. compareNet (http://www.comparenet.com/)
    16. mySimon (http://www.mySimon.com)
    17. Yahoo Clubs (http://clubs.yahoo.com/)
  12. Leilões:
    1. Mercata - Group Buying Power (http://www.mercata.com)
    2. EBay (http://www.ebay.com)
  13. Tecnologias para E-Commerce:
    1. ECML.org Home Page (http://www.ecml.org/)
    2. SSL (http://www.epaynews.com/links/ssl.html)
    3. SET Secure Electronic Transaction LLC (http://www.setco.org/)
    4. Mastercard: SET (http://www.mastercard.com/set/set.htm)
    5. EDIFICE EDI over the Internet Meeting 26 May 1998 (http://www.edifice.org/internet2.htm)
    6. Crypto Primer: A Simple Explanation of Encryption (http://www.zdnet.com/zdtv/knowhow/resources/story/0,3700,2001052,00.html)
    7. RSA Laboratories - Cryptography FAQ (http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/faq/)
    8. Cryptography - An Overview (http://www.hack.gr/users/dij/crypto/)
    9. XML.com (http://www.xml.com/)
  14. Lojas e Shoppings:
    1. TopShop São Paulo - O Top em Shopping pela Internet (http://www.topshop.com.br/sp.htm)
    2. Banca Taí (www.bancatai.com.br)
    3. Jcrew.com (http://www.jcrew.com)
  15. Técnicas de Inteligência Artificial na web e no E-commerce
    1. Web usage mining
    2. Web content mining (ferramentas de pesquisa)
    3. Collaborative filtering (cross-selling)
  16. Outros
    1. Marketing de rede: AllAdvantage (http://www.alladvantage.com/home.asp)
    2. E-payment Resource Center (http://www.epaynews.com)
    3. E-Commerce Journal (http://www.sellitontheweb.com)
    4. ZDJournals ( http://www.zdjournals.com/eca/ )
    5. E-Comm ( http://e-comm.internet.com/)
    6. WilsonWeb E-Commerce and Web Marketing ( http://www.wilsonweb.com/)
    7. Electronic Commerce and Electronic Markets (http://www.brint.com/Elecomm.htm)

Versão 1.2
Criado: 27 de Setembro de 1999
Atualizado: 23 de Outubro de 2003

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