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My name is Jim Greene, I am a second year college student, working on an AAS Degree in Information Technology. One of my required classes was an introduction to the Web and HTML. I enrolled in this class thinking it would be an easy 3 credits, you know Internet classes are easy, that was not the case. I have to work very hard to keep up with all the assignments for this class. I have to say I really enjoyed learning all about the Internet and HTML even with all the work required to complete this course. The part I enjoyed most was writing the code for my own web page.

I hope to continue building my Web Page into a site that my friends and familty can visit to see what's new in my life, and to see pictures of our family and friends. For now it is a class project that I have to complete to get the credit.

  1. Where I've Been.
  2. My Major.
  3. Computer Languages Studied.
  4. Future Endevor's.

  1. Graphics for free. Fonts and Graphics for free.
  2. HTML Resource