Pom (EuMI)
RWTH-Aachen, B-IT and U. Bonn
1. Desgining Interactive System http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dcd39jgw_7196q7v6
2. Job Spooling: Data Comp lab (U. of Bonn)
3. E-Business Seminar: Seminar Paper and Presentation
Pom (college)
1. Internet App
project in C# and asp.net
2. ILP paper
Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) Exploitation source of information from the book Computer Architecture 4th.
3. RoboCup 2005 participation
4. Cyber-Tech camp III http://www.geocities.com/schaiyakul/cybertechcampII/cybertechcamp3.html
5. RoboCup 2006 participitation
6. Semantic Web : ECTI Con 2006:
6. Semantic Web : IEEE, June, Bangkok 2006 : Paperand Presentation
6. Semantic Web : ECTI Trans 2006-07: Paper
Pom (high school)
1. ESL web
2. Class Web Site, Junior.
3. ESL Newsletter
Sukasom Chaiyakul