<BGSOUND SRC="/danlangan/catfood.wav">
Welcome to Dan Langan's Advice Column
Dear Dan,
     I don't know how to clean my computer of unwanted files and speed up my surfing experence.
Can you help.
Sure let me give you a step by step way to make things on your computer faster.
Windows based systems

Go to the ;
START at the bottom of your screen.
Right click on your mouse button, move up to
explore and left click. You will be looking at all the programs on your computer.; Go down the list till you get to tempory internet files.see it? Good,click on Tempory Internet now go up to edit and click select all all the tempory internet files will be higlighted
Go to
file and select delete.At this point a message will appear. This is a cookie do you want to delete this? Click yes, these things are put on your system by the web sites you visited.
Don't worry the next time you go to that page again it will issue you another cookie.
Do it every day!

For Windows XP

Go to
Start go to Control panel and then go to
erformance and Mainttance
Free up space on your hard disk
click and let it run.
For Windows 98
Follow above but go to
mantaince wizard
click and let it run
Simple no???

Also a new way to get your computer healthy is
Spybot. Go to
this link and download.This thing is GREAT I use it on all the PC's and it keeps most of the internet junk off the systems ,try it for free and then send the a donation to the programer..
This has been checked and does not contain any spyware and will even kill some viruses.
Cleaning out your temp internet files
I am astounded at the number of people I meet who can't clean the tempory internet files.&nbsp; It's fast and easy.
    My favorite joke.
Lawyer: did you take the mans pulse or listen for a heart beat before the autopsy?
Doctor: no!
Lawyer: then the man may have been alive before you started cutting?
Doctor: No, the man's brain had been removed and was in a jar on my desk!
Laywer: well then the man could have been alive anyway , isn't that true doctor?
Doctor: well it is possible he might have been alive and practicing law somewhere!
Want to ask a question? Click here to
e-mail me at papanew222@comcast.net
Try your luck on the slots
Computer driving you bats?
Video poker
Get Norton to check your PC for FREE
Don't be afraid to try something new..Remember this,
amateurs built the Ark , professionals built the Titanic!!
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