Biographical Information
Hello, my name is Naseem Amjad and I am a computer software
programmer. I was born in Kuwait. I have been working on computers since 1987. The first computer I used was MSX (Z-80A, 3.56 MHz, 32KB RAM). I came to Pakistan at the time of Iraqi invasion. I am living in Lahore nowadays. You can check my resume
for more information.
I have started my blog too, do visit and give me feedback.
Download Software
The list of software will expand so visit often.
- AlKatib Unicode is an Urdu/Arabic/Farsi Unicode font available for download (beta version).
- AlKatib1 is an Urdu true type font.
- Urdu ActiveX Control for
Awarded TOP PICK at
- Now you can write Urdu in almost all the Windows word-processors with Urdu Nigar. This utility can help in creating Urdu Text based images using PhotoShop, Corel Draw and Flash.
- Some of the Flash Work done by me.
Interesting Game called WorDict, See the Products section at AJSoft.
Excellent Flash work by Mr. Paul Neave.
Click here if you like to Cook food. The link contains Arabic and Pakistani food recipes.
Please send an email to (for subscription) so that you can be informed when the site is updated.
Personal Interests
- Music
- Movies
- Web Surfing
- Programming

Contact Information
Electronic mail address
Web address
Copyright Naseem Amjad.
Last revised: June 18, 2007.
All the software is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk of the use of the software is assumed by the user.