... unified rebellion ...

jurassic 5jurassic 5jurassic 5
The Group
The Music

Welcome to unified rebellion, website for fans of hip hop group Jurassic 5.


  unified rebellion?

Jurassic 5 was created when two groups, Rebels of Rhythm and Unity Committee, merged, and hence the site's name represents a merging of the two names: Unified Rebellion.



last updated  1 / 10 / 04
site created  1 / 4 / 02

  • ..:: I'm back after a long break ::..

  • Check out the Shop section for up-to-date links to the group's new online store.

  • J5 have signed up to play on the Vote for Change Tour. US fans will get the op to check them out. To see if there coming to a city near you, check the official site.



home - You're here now

history - Jurassic 5: their origins, achievements and past (original article)

the group - Exclusive profiles of each of the six members of Jurassic 5

the music - Discography, live shows and their work with other artists

pictures - The biggest J5 image archive on the net

lyrics - Lyrics for almost all of their songs

shop - Buy Jurassic 5 merchandise as well as CDs

links - Check out our list of other cool hip hop related sites

email - Contact us here at Unified Rebellion



© 2003 DZA Productions