About Me
Jeune Taylor
My Info:
Name: Jeune Taylor
Email: jeunet_2000@yahoo.com
A role within a group that will capitalize on my extensive ability to develop,  grow and coordinate a complex array of business processes, decisions, and  resource commitments unsurpassed by any other dimension of the organization and  offers exposure to multiple customer environments and emerging technologies.
Ability to lead and support team through all phases of project development, from  implementation lifecycle launch through go live and post-implementation support,  performing accurate analysis and effective diagnosis of client issues while  assisting in the managing of day-to-day client relationships at peer client  levels. 
Effective interaction with all levels of internal/external client base utilizing  exceptional organizational, interpersonal and communication skills while performing  accurate analysis and effective diagnosis of client issues and manage day-to-day  client relationships at peer client levels.
Competencies include:
Effective organizational and time management skills; detail oriented, able to  prioritize and manage multiple projects
-                         Ability to work in an independent manner
Strong team/consensus builder; develops an excellent rapport with all  internal/external clients, building a high level of trust
Computer software proficiencies include: Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT/2000,  Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Visio, WordPerfect, Lotus Notes,  MS Publisher, MS FrontPage.  Programming Languages: Visual Basic, HTML, and  VBScript.  Networking: ability to set up and configure a PC networked  environment. 
12/01 to Present
SPHERION,  Charlotte,  NC
A recruitment, and staffing solutions provider to Fortune 1000 companies.
; Executive Assistant/Project Management Support
Provide executive administrative, project management and client support  in conjunction with a senior practice management team consisting of Sterling  McCullough, Partner, Business Consulting Services, Public Sector-Government,  Gary Crump, Partner, Business Consulting Services, State and Local  Government-West, William Beene, Public Sector Regional Industry Executive  Business Consulting Services/Government East, and Tony Stokes-eBusiness  Integration, Industrial Sector, IBM Global Services.
Assists in the management of multiple client relationships and engagements, to  include daily communication, negotiations, data analysis, and problem solving.
Supports all engagement activities by understanding client business objectives,  collecting and interpreting data information, developing specialized reports,  charts, spreadsheets and presentations
Performs complex analysis to evaluate efficiencies and compliance with internal  audit guidelines and provides a statistical roadmap on which management  decisions are based.
Manages and develops processes, time, logistics,Complies/summarizes information from a host of sources to create draft notes,  reports, meeting agendas, and presentations.  Creates graphic presentations, requests for proposal responses, and  spreadsheets.
Evaluates procedures and practices, recommending changes or solutions which  affect attainment of financial objectives.
Provides training, assistance and leadership for other team members that promote  self-sufficiency.   Acts as essential backup and facilitator for team issues and external customer  calls.  Assists with budget/financial reporting coordination, as well as weekly expense  report compilation, reporting and oversight.
Manage all travel arrangements for the team.
Administrative Assistant, Randstad (7/01-12/01) and Executive Assistant, Bank of  America (1/99-5/01)
Microcomputer Business Systems Certification,  Computer Learning Center,  Paramus,  NJ
Associate of Arts,  Bergen Community College,  Paramus,  NJ
Company sponsored training: Making the Climb; Building an Effective Web site;  Application Development using Visual Basic v.6