Darmagon Graphics


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Welcome! This site is dedicated to 3d graphics: Programming,  Utilities, Programs, Theory etc. Much of  what is here presently has to do with POV-Ray, a free ray-tracer that has been around and in development since the late 1980's. It is being developed by a dedicated bunch of guys in their spare time. It is free and very powerful.

Allegro and DJGPP have also played a large part as a raisson d'etre for this site. Allegro is a free game development library with ports to many operating systems and DJGPP is a free 32-bit C/C++  compiler for DOS.

Finally there is my own contribution: Blobmaster is a 3d modeler  for POV-Ray blob objects. Check it out under projects. You will find links to POV-Ray, DJGPP and Allegro (among others) on the links page.

Any Questions or Comments? e-mail me mailto:rbyman@darmagon.com

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