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December 3, 1998
I am interisted in DRAGON BALL Z is i'm 10 years old
and it is in Japanimation and I have memorized every show
almost. There are only 56 shows of DBZ when I first saw
the show I thought there was probly 100 shows until I
saw every show.
Click Here To Goto The Offical DBZ Web Page
December 3, 1998
I like programing because I have been learning to programing
in QBasic sense September 1998. I also like it because I
want to learn C++ also. Did you know starwars was done
in C++.
Well thats all I have to say about that.
December 3, 1998
I love games ever sense Atari I can't belive I still have
one. I love to have a challange and arcade games I still have a Regular
NES. I use to play all day and all night then Sega Genisis came out
I have one of them to.
Man I loved them then comp. came out I have made a bbs this web
Well thats all!
Space Quest!!!!!!!!!
From Space Quest 1 to Space Quest 6 Its amazine how crazy Roger can
be his names Roger, Roger Wilco... You know the janitor guy from
Fester, Fester Blatz From Space Quest 3 And 6 On Polie Sorbait LX...
Cliffy, From Space Quest 5 The Engineer On Rogers Garbage Scow!!!
Drool, The Piliot.
WD40, Rogers Arch Enemey From Space Quest 2 Roger Turns WD40 to a
science officer!!!
The Best Game Sence The Computer!!!