The Force is with you, stranger !!!
em1t.gif (1660 bytes) Welcome to em1t.gif (1660 bytes)
pop.gif (1296 bytes)  POP ELECTRIC corporation !!!  pop.gif (1296 bytes)

Hi !    My name is   Igor Popov,  I am from   Ukraine (ex - USSR).

Today my English "is not best ", ;-) better and detail information locate in Russian page

I wants to show you my  interests , works and crazy   projects   ;-) ,

On this site I use only "pure" HTML, and direct links, therefore he is easily download with offline browsers.

My interests : computer hardware & software,
non-PC computers & emulators,
sound & music devices,
rock-guitar & MIDI music,
CAD and technology,
Stereovision systems and Virtual Reality
programming (Turbo Pascal, Asm, Asm Z80).

Now I present in this page:

go! new! BiDiPro rev. 1.3 - New, and, on my glance, is very cool EPROM/FLASH programmer,
and I think, better, than "Turbo". Use bidirectional EPP printer port.
Project by   Eduard Panchenko   (from Ukraine).
Simple , fast and full-flexible .
Full documentation, schematic, PCB, software for DOS and Windows, and source code.
PCB's with high quality available always in any amount.
New works from Oleg Chukaev : Adaptor AVRDIP for Atmel AVR, and console (while, I hope) program for work with them,
Modules for software from Alex+ for 16-bit IC, 25xxx series Serial IC , adapter and software for 24RF08.

Sorry, while on russian language.

Go! "TURBO" v6 programmer. Full complement to working device documentation + adaptors. PCB design & routing by Alexey Beliansky, adaptors - by ;-). Autor of original device is company "BINAR", phone (095) 323 - 6848.
The interface connector on this PCB is "MALE"!!!, if You already installed a "FEMALE" ;-), cable must be have mirror connection (1-13,2-12,..14-25,15-24.....)
Go! How to avoid Flash Card Readers ECS UCR-61S2B protection.
Solution from Sergey Ageev a.k.a. ASA.
Sorry, while on russian language, but with pictures ;-).

go! new! 3D models generator of assembled PCB in format VRML from PCB projects of some CADs. While in processing, done only for "internal use", but I have results, I think and hopes, better, than 3D viewing software from Protel and QualECAD (View3D). ;-P
Now support OrCad PCB386+ , Protel ( ASCII formats 2.6 - 2.8 ) , TraxMaker ( aka AutoTrax ).
Sorry, while on russian language.

go! new! My gallery of assembled PCB in VRML format , on my glance, it`s better, than assemble drawings on the paper. ;-)
For preview need a VRML plugin to browser .

go! new! Wicked3D shutterglasses controller to Elsa Revelator compatible update board.
Download TraceBack drivers High resolution VESA VBE 1.2+ display drivers for OrCAD 386+ or OrCAD Release IV (SDT and PCB) from TraceBack (up to 1600x1200, may be higher, if need). For DOS OrCAD users (like me ;-))) it`s very big gift. Author kindly has afforded full source codes for use it as Open Source. (ZIP, 142Kb)

Download 3-color utils My small things for creating colored assemble drawings from OrCAD PCB386+, and PCB drawings with zoom 1:1 and resolution 300DPI for photomask on film or for "lazer-flatiron technology". All my PCB drawings made with this postprocessing. (ZIP,113Kb)
For working need the program Image Alchemy and module DOS4GW (ZIP, 480Kb). Open Source texts in Turbo Pascal included, may be, anybody will do this more literate. ;-)
In the archive included also drivers, recommended for conclusion in picture of printer, and high resolution display from TraceBack (without sources).

Go! My alternative shell for DOS OrCAD 386+ with easy and fast control, unfortunately, not ready and leaved, because I begin draw schemes in OrCAD Capture.

b_ov.gif (1594 			bytes) TONWOOD Guitar Engine   -  compressor - overdrive with effective gate.
b_ov.gif (1594 			bytes) PCB   to small & simple MIDI KeyBoard by Nico Coesel on   80C51 microcontroller.
Go! New!) Modified simple MIDI keyboard from Alexey Studnev on 8035 / 39 / 48 = 1816BE35 / 39 / 48 microcontroller with PCB.
Sorry, while on russian language.
Go! New! Very small, simple and economical MIDI keyboard on PIC16F84 with the PCB. Perspective variant with increase functions.
Produced by  Jordan D. Perkov.
Sorry, while on russian language.

b_ov.gif (1594 bytes) SVGA-PAL encoder   on   SONY   CXA1145  to PC   (with  PCB).
Go! Software HAM Radio processor for DOS   and interface to PC     ( with PCB ).

r_ov1.gif (1996 bytes) Hard MIDI files from games (if you not have Wavetable, use Timidity or WinGroove).     105Kb.
R_ov1.gif (1996 bytes) My links bookmark.
crazy.gif (1884 bytes) My crazy ideas : Walkman-like electronic book with real voice synthesizer,  embedded guitar feedback on string oscillator,  MIDI-guitar with full-flexible sound. Information about my person and my virtual company.   ;-)

Bye !

vader3.gif (10419 bytes)
co_lt.gif (874 bytes)co_rt.gif (833 bytes)

May the Force be with you...

speaker.gif (2674 bytes)Sorry, cannot play MIDI...speaker.gif (2674 bytes)

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Igor J. Popov

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