Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my design site. Maybe some of you know me from "The Love Zone" my other site. I'm very glad to say that I've finally learned how to make graphics, using PSP. I want to share it with all of you. So I came up with some cute and soft sets for your web pages. As each day passes by, I'm working on a new set, so please come back soon and check them out! I hope you enjoy my graphics as much as I do!
These graphics are for personal or non commercial sites, if you would like to use any of them for a commercial site, please email me and we can work something out.
After long hours each night making these graphics, the only things I ask for is to please put a link back to my place to give me credit. For your convinience I've put a matching logo in every set so you could use it as a link back here. And please sign my guestbook or send me an email with your URL so I could see how your place looks like!
OH! and another thing, please save the images on a disk or on your hard drive. The reason for this is because who knows I might change the name or delete the set and if you have it linked here then you might end up without any graphics.
Right now I only have a few sets, but I'm working on doing more so please bookmark this site and come back soon...
To save the images, right click on the ones you want and chose 'save as'. Enjoy!!!
Holidays Sets:
Please sign my guestbook! It's very important for me to know what you think about my graphics, I need to know if is worth to keep creating more and more...Please leave your comments. Thanks!

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