Welcome to the
Kyle Wentworth, Family Home Page!
This is the Cyber Home of Kyle, Kristine, Brittany and Daniel-Kurtis Wentworth.  Our real home is in Holland, Michigan.
Kyle's Section:
My interests are:
Employers!  Check out my resume in PDF format.
Computers, Computers and Computers! 
OK, I also love my 1997
Yamaha Royal Star Motorcycle.
Here are some pictures of 'The Family'
Here are some pictures of 'Aaron's OCS Graduation' (Page 1)
Here are some pictures of 'Aaron's OCS Graduation' (Page 2)
E-mail me at kyle_mcse@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Pictures from Cullen and Claire's wedding (29 July 2000)
Pictures from Cullen and Claire's wedding (The Reception)
Here's a link to a site that I recently developed for a medical products company. Check it out.  I think it's pretty good for a beginner.
Here are some pictures of 'My Siblings'
Today is:
Pictures of the Los Alamos, NM Fire (Spring 2000)

Christmas 2000 Pictures are Here
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