never leave your homepage without it
12/14/2000, Mad Cat

Wow, I never thought I'd be back around to put some work into this page. Im hell-bent on turning this into a real emulation site, perhaps with more then just NES roms. Im also considering hosting some Atari emulation.

3/27/2000, Mad Cat

I must say, I gave it my all, but hosting a bunch of classic games is at this point a non-option, given that a certain site whose name I won't mention <*cough*> <*cough*> has a size limit on files slimmer than Kate Moss, not to mention file type limitations (more on this in the rantz).

Anyway, so the site is taking a turn toward slightly more mature and well rounded <*snort*>...well, sorta. No matter what I do with this site, Im diehard about keeping the NES section open and about adding more games. Of course, Im also busy digging up useful proggies for the utilities section, and there should be more to the site in the coming month.