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SCIENCE has always been my principal passion.

My space-time continuum (lol) is now :

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changed our way of apprehending the universe almost one century ago.
He's also been my favorite theorician until ...

Here is some of my new ideas on special relativity !

A beam of light is sent perpendicularly across a mobile.

What does a moving observer see ? The right lightray trace or the left one ?

What does a motionless observer see ? The straight trace or the slanted one ?

So my first questions to come are :
  • How can a moving portion of space delimited here by the walls of the mobile make light deviation ?
  • Is an observer able by his simple look to bend the light path ?
  • What is the correct and only path for light in this region of space ?

My answer : the left traces are the right ones :)

Now let a light ray go across a spaceship while this one is in phase of acceleration.

Einstein said that the trace of the light is bent down to the floor, when seen by a space man aboard.

He then stated that "Gravity, equivalent to acceleration force, bends light and space"
and generalized relativity theory is born.

Starting with that ! ---> We'll get this !

what will a light ray trace be
when the spaceship is not accelerating
is only in CONSTANT SPEED movement ?



Here is an example from Einstein's mind that you can see in every physics book to demonstrate that Space and Time are not absolute. They depend on each observer's referential. And while changing referentials, we need to apply some "Lorentz formulas" that leads to Space contraction and Time dilation :

The BIG BIG ERROR is that light DOES NOT move the way it is showed (bouncing between the 2 mirrors while the mobile keeps going on to the right. Let's see how now !
The Special Relativity Theory reviewed and corrected .......

I propose you to download the next PDF files to get a reviewed point of Einstein's theory of special relativity.

Click to download (The PDF documents below are now in English.)


In the purpose of his theory on relativity at the beginning of the last century, Albert Einstein suggested some original experiences called “mind games”. These ones set up simple physical phenomenons (light propagation) in current life situations (a rolling train, a lift cabin moving up, and so on …) for a large public comprehension.
His goal is to prove that the perception of every physical phenomenon depends on the location of the observer, his relation with others observers’ referential particularly when those ones are moving in regard with his own.
The notion of absolute reference is cleared away as a conclusion of these little stories. Not only space has no more privileged landmark (since Galileo) but the notion of time as we used to know is completely changed. As a result, it is necessary to set up a mathematical formulation to transform coordinates between different referentials in order to preserve the constancy of basic physical laws (light speed, energy conservation, and so on.).
In this document, I would like to present the Einstein’s famous experience which has given birth to the special relativity theory that is incessantly shown in every scientific document which deals about it.
Then, I will give you my new interpretation of this famous experience which will upset, I think, a well-established century-old theory.
Have a good reading and start your brain.



The new interpretation of the famous thought experience by Einstein that I have presented in my document "Special Relativity Theory reviewed and corrected (first part)" has permitted to show up the possibility to reveal, for any mobile, its proper movement without a need of an external reference, unlike Galileo's belief.
Effectively, for an observer aboard a mobile moving at constant speed v, a light beam emitted perpendicularly to the direction of displacement, is deviated by an angle a = arctan v/c towards the back of the mobile. I have demonstrated in this document that this angle a is the maximum value for the deviation.
In that document, I have also established a set of values of a for different speeds of displacement v. Finally, I have concluded that no mobile on earth could permit us to verify this deviation.
What we cannot accomplish down here on earth, we'll have to do it else where.
Let's go outer space, and aboard of .....



This document has been made to allow me to answer to very pertinent remarks from some of my contradictors. I wish to thank them for their spontanous reactions to my work.
- if the light beam is directed at the time of emission to intercept the mirror, what will happen then ?
- the muon particles which have a relative short timelife of 10^-6 second seem to live longer when they are moving at higher speed (near to light celerity c).How can we explain that without dilation of time?
- the theory has been verified practically in all its aspects so many, many times.... (by our famous theorician Laurent Notta)
- and so on...
I don't think I shall be able to answer to each one of these remarks at the end of my exposé but I only hope to convince you that the special relativity theory as we always knew needs to be "revisitée".



In my previous demonstrations, a beam of light has been emitted either perpendicularly to the direction of moving train, either slightly deviated ahead to compensate the movement of the target.
It is obvious, with the first experience, that an observer aboard the moving train will undoubtly see a deviation of the light beam to the back of this train, which deviation reveals to this observer his proper movement unlike what Galileo said. This deviation is confirmed by a well-known astronomical optical effect called "aberration" and which was used, in the 18th century, to deduct, you know what, the light speed ;-)
In my second document, I demonstrate that a moving target cannot be reached, in the conditions establised for the test because of the limit of the speed of light.
Now, let's do the same experience but with a light beam emitted in the axe of the moving train.
As usual, I'll expose first the different situations as Einstein would do which, I think, will certainly bring up some contradictions. Then, I will invite you to review them all by taking account the real trajectory of the beam just like in my previous demonstrations.
So now, Time and Space : dilation or contraction ? It's up to you !
But first, let's synchronize our clocks .....



At the end of the XIXth century, we supposed that the light waves moved on an immaterial support called "aether". By analogy in elements transported by a fluid, the speed of light, more exactly photons which compose her(it), had to change as they went down or went back up the current created by the movement of the Earth.
In 1881, Albert Michelson began, in association with Edward Morley, an experiment, a real one this time, to determine the effect of this wind of ether on the speed of light. Their idea: measure this speed following 2 directions, the movement of the Earth on its orbit and the perpendicular direction in this one. They expected then to find different values of speed for every orientation. In fact, they noticed that the measures were identical whatever is the direction of the beams. The Galilean combination of speeds did not seem to take place any more for light.
These results gave then reason to the theorists who advanced the idea of a speed of invariable light for every observer independently of the speed of movement of this one. To explain this " referential unchangingness ", Einstein proposed in its special theory of relativity the possibility of contraction or dilation of space and of time, renamed spatiotemporal continuum. Every observer possesses then his space-time which does not have absolute character anymore. The relation with the another referentiel is determined by their relative speed of movement. The conversion of coordinates from one to another is formulated by means of the coefficients of Lorentz.
But let us return to the experiment of Morley and Michelson.

How did they realize these measures? Why don't several experiments realized later with more precision invalidate the results of the first days. Does the invariance of the various measures of the speed of light obtained really explain by the elasticated characteristic of time and of space?
I suggest you to return with me some years behind.

Michelson at work .....



In order to give you an idea of this deviation, just look at these 2 pictures :
1- On the distance of 344 km (Paris to London), the deviation is only 34 meters to the left (the arrow indicates the direction of the Earth movement on its orbit)

2- On the distance of 3000 km (from Paris to somewhere in Africa), the deviation is only 300 meters to the left (something about the Eiffel Tower height)

Generalized law for Bradley light aberration

Figure deviation_java.fig

Applet created on 7/1/04 by Jean DAVID with CabriJava

Do you want more ?????????
Link to enjoy deviation effects on everyday light ....

Do you STILL agree with Einstein ?

You can visit my french site for french versions and more features : What's wrong with Special Relativity

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the road
the Truth

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