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Stories4/18/2003My stories.
Featured Writing4/11/2001Stories, essays, and poems by other authors.
Archive4/1/2003My older essays.
Boolean1/30/2002Boolean Logic v0.7b.
Number Systems2/6/2002Concepts and conversions. v0.5b.
Circuitry Calculus6/10/2002Why you don't teach maximum power with calculus.


Daily events relocated to http://www.deadjournal.com.


MY GOD. That was some damn fine yardwork. I made the weeds my bitch. Pre-DV they stood tall, defiant, almost over my head. Post-DV they slump over, bleeding profusely, and waiting for death's sweet embrace to release them from their tortured existence. I profit from their pain; a little spending money. The mower tried to trip up my plans by running out of gas, but its efforts backfired when I filled it up with more. The fumes were intoxicating, and filled me with a burning, almost erotic urge to destroy. "Kill all." So it was written, and so it came to pass. What more can one expect? Play with fire and you get burned.

Oh, Boston was very nice. I took notes. I'll type them up a bit later. I also got a job. I'm also going to move this site to my personal webserver soon, probably in about a month, or whenever I get broadband. It seems I've been neglecting this site, but don't worry: the world is still full of filth, and I still hate you all. Stay tuned.


Apparently I'm going to Boston in a few days. Should be interesting. At least this summer won't be a total loss.


My cousin's finally coming home on Friday.


It took a couple of days, but now the modem, sound card, and printer all work perfectly on this new GNU/Linux system. If only I had a monitor that wasn't thirteen years old, it would be truly great. I installed Slackware, too, so people will say I'm hardcore, but that's nothing compared to the crazy mad silly fresh web applications I'm going to bust out with soon, courtesy of Apache and its little PHP module.


Sometimes I impress even myself. I've managed to create an abstracted set of multithreading functions that are portable across Unix and Windows platforms. This will speed up all future development. And all of this just in the past couple of days. My learning curve must be approaching a vertical line at this point. Damn, I'm good.

But it's not easy being this good. It's a lot of stress, and I get burned out and sick of living at least six times a day. So during those times, I like to indulge in life's simpler pleasures, like standing out in the rain in the middle of the night under a street light, using a screwdriver and a coathanger to break into a car while taxis and village police cars cruise by.


When elections have been 'postponed' due to heightened terrorist activity, you'll know it's too late. And when the revolution comes, the flaming napalm barbed wire bat will be my close range weapon of choice.


In this age of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (better known to those Slashdot assholes as FUD), there are two things in particular that remain in my mind. First is that September 11th was either planned or allowed by the outcasted neo-conservative clique inside the Republican party as a catalyst to allow the advancement of the Project for a New American Century, the Pax Americana, a new empire for a new millenium, etcetera. Assuming that the inherent system of checks and balances in U.S. government hasn't been hopelessly wrecked, this should resolve itself in about forty to sixty years or so. So that's about how much time I have to figure out the second issue, which is what country I'm going to hide out in until the resolution of the first issue. Canada would be the obvious choice, except that I'm expecting the borders to be shut down at some point due to a SARS outbreak, thus sealing me here. Which is a shame, because I could've been one of those bitter American ex-patriot writer things, like that guy who wrote the extremely famous magnum opus A Prayer for Owen Meany. I CAN START PRACTICING NOW BY USING THE CAPS LOCK KEY A LOT.


Maybe somebody can please explain to me at what point a Nickelodeon crossover movie seemed like a good idea. Somebody had to propose the idea, even more people had to approve it, write it, and draw it; not one of them paused to say, "HEY, that Red Dragon Zero guy writes crossover fanfiction on fanfiction.net all the time, and it makes DV want to die even more than usual. Maybe we should do something more morally fulfilling, like blow up a childrens' hospital." Well, fine, asses. I'll counter this with my own crossover story, right after I finish my front-end.


And the Infinite Justice Continues

At the school where Monday's shooting occurred, teachers spent the day cleaning up in preparation for the start of classes on Saturday. The headmaster, Mohammed Ahmed, said that before they left, U.S. soldiers had damaged furniture and classroom supplies and left offensive graffiti on the walls. In one classroom, "I [love] pork," with the word love represented by a heart, was written on the blackboard, along with a drawing of a camel and the words: "Iraqi Cab Company." In another room, "Eat [expletive] Iraq" was scrawled on a wall. And in Ahmed's office, sexual organs were drawn with white chalk on the back of the door.

Such is the godlike mercy of the U.S. liberation army. Can you comprehend it?

Thank you Washington Post.


NEWS FLASH: United States holy liberation army bravely and nobly butchersliberates evil Iraqi protesters. From themselves. With guns.

What were they thinking? When we said they were free we didn't mean that kind of freedom. Sheesh. How dare they criticize us, when the blood of, like, more than fifty U.S. soldiers was spilled. It would take over twenty minutes of blood drive in the local Tops parking lot to get it all back. And anyway, our boys had to defend themselves somehow. Those stone-throwing barbarians could have torn a uniform or something. Just for this we should firebomb another two thousand civilians into the ground, and then convert the survivors to Christianity. Then they'll know the true glory of the United States. Yeah. I should be President; then things would be diff--oh, wait...

CNN is for failures. I have replaced it with guardian.co.uk.


Happy Marijuana/Hitler/Jesus/Columbine Day. It's EVERYTHING today. This is obviously a date of some cosmic significance. I should be happy, but unfortunately I've forgotten to write my holiday story. Damn you, Saddam Hussein!


Oh man. Terror threat level lowered from high to elevated? Surely this must mean that Iraq really was about to nuke us into the ground. The war on terror is kicking some serious ass. God bless George Bush.


Alright, enough. Starting today, I'm going to turn my life around; get a nice, respectable job, wash regularly, go buy some sharp-looking clothes, and finally stop complaining about and start believing in the United States of America.

I'm pulling your frigging chain. It's time for some terrorist Pokemon stories. This is going to be great.