Scripture Memory

Welcome to the download area for the Scripture Memory Utility. I wrote this utility to help myself learn the bible, but have found that there aren't many free programs available on the internet in this category.

Without God's help, I wouldn't even have a computer for programming or even a home to put the computer in! This is one way I can show my thankfulness for what He has done for me.

Feel free to use this program free of charge. Comments, bug reports and suggestions are welcome. Email me to let me know if you like the program and how you may have used it and whether it has helped you to memorize the Scriptures.

This program is for Windows95 or NT. Currently I have no way of writing software for windows3.1. The program is pretty self-explanatory. You can select up to 5 favorite verses from a large database of scripture references. Once you start the scripture test, you can work in letter-by-letter mode or in word-mode. In letter-by-letter mode you have to type in the verse one letter at a time. The letters don't appear in the verse window unless they match the verse letter. (spaces aren't necessary).

If you wish you can choose word-mode. In word mode you only have to type the next letter and the next hidden word is made visible. This method is good for speedy overviewing to refresh your memory of verses you have already learned. I would recommend using this method at least once a day for a week or two and then periodically to make sure it sticks.

If you get stuck, the hint button reveals the next letter for you. You can also click on the "Show Verse" button to see the whole verse.

You can add your own verses, if you like, to the database.

The database comes with verses from the King James version of the bible.

After downloading the Scripture Memory program, you'll have to unzip the files to your hard drive and then run it from there. Winzip and pkunzip are good tools for unzipping compressed files and they can both be found on the internet.

The biblebooks program is a game for memorizing the order of the books of the bible. You can also select the options menu and then the "Show Book Info" menu item to display an overview of each book. See how fast you can rearrange the biblebooks and challenge your friend's best time. Again, comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

I accept no responsibility for any problems caused by installing these programs. Install them at your own risk.

Click the link to download the program:

Scripture Memory Version 1.1



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