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Friends and Family
rex begaye (dad)
everett k. tsosie
arlando teller
james w. abendschan
skip stone
david e. laplander
alex gutierrez
grenetta fink
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  • My name is Alvin Al Begaye, I belong to the salt clan, born for the mountain fruit people clan, my maternal grandfather is towering house, and my paternal grandfather is red streak people clan.
  • I am married to a wonderfully beautiful woman named Ernestine J. Tsosie (Tweet) . Her clan is water flows together, born for the zuni clan, maternal grandfather is salt (that make's me her grandfather). Her paternal grandfather is many hogans.
  • Together we have three children: Ethan, Emmett, and Evan, who are lucky they look like their mom.
    04/29/02 - Below is a website that I created for my Dad. Click on the picture (one of his art pieces) to get to his site

    04/24/02 - Here are some links that Aaron provided that are interesting
    01/05/01 - Do you need an office suite for non-commercial use, totally free!, then check out StarOffice from SUN Microsystems .

    11/22/00 - The Male Involvement Club (MIC) - MIC helps males to become a positive influence for their children in Headstart across the east valley. If you would like to find out more information, I have some information in Rich Text Format (RTF). CLICK it OUT .

    07/11/00 - Here is a site to query results of food inspections in maricopa county.