My Hunk o' Web

My Links
Pictures of Me
My Family
Pittsburgh, PA
Detroit, MI
My Transportation
My Resume

People I Know

Mail Me!

Stuff that is cool

The Spark: Seriously wrong but funny as hell

Bacon: You love it, you want it

Geekcode: Got Geek?

Darwin Awards: Natural selection at its best!

Slashdot: News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.

This is a page about me. I'm so vain.

In Austin, TX for almost 3 years now. Still knitting, though not as much. Still dreaming of buying a sailboat. Planning on moving out to the country and building a house and having dogs, chickens, horses, goats, rabbits and a donkey. Sold my sports car for a 2003 VW Golf Diesel, which is nicer on the gas mileage.

See my pictures on Yahoo!

And my pics on Webshots.

And my newest obsessions:

The Womb
The Womb

I use linux. You should too.

look! i can use photoshop!
My nifty neato graphics capabilities.
