If you have the same ideas as everybody else but have them one week earlier than everyone else then you will be hailed as a visionary. But if you have
them five years earlier you will be named a lunatic. - Barry Jones,
politician, author (1932- ).
Firefox 2
Firefox 2 for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in a variety of languages. You can get the latest version of Firefox 2 here. For builds for other systems and languages not provided by Mozilla.org, see the Contributed Builds section at the end of this document.
Firefox add-on
Firefox users who get accustomed to this wonderful extension rarely go back to the clunky default Firefox add-on for window.
Top 10 list of Top 10 Firefox add-on
Make a Homepage Easily
How to create a page that is: easy to make, beautiful, interesting, and profitable! Learn more about this at Homepage MadeEasy. eg. add images and content royalty free to your pages and make money with them!
Enhance your homepage and make money!
Yahoo! Messenger
Yahoo! Messenger is a fully featured online communications tool. Its setup integrates Yahoo! Toolbar with anti-spy and pop-up blocker, Yahoo! browser services - quick access to Yahoo! Messenger and Sign In to Yahoo! Mail from Internet Explorer.
With Yahoo! Messenger you can send instant messages, call computers, call a phone number, send a mobile message or send an e-mail. You can edit your status display and picture or create your own avatar. You can share your webcam or see your friends' webcams. You can send files and send messages to your friends regardless of their online/offline status, and you can log on using the "invisible" status, so that nobody would notice you are around.
During instant messages you have the possibility to customize fonts, send emoticons, audibles, IMVironments in order to have a great time while chatting with your friends. The Inside Yahoo! feature provides quick links to news, finance, personals, movies horoscopes, Yahoo! inbox etc. You will also get notifications of new emails or voice messages.
In version 8, the "Content Tabs" in the "Preferences" menu has been removed, and now "Yahoo! Plug-ins are available". So far you can install up to eleven plug-ins: Yahoo! Music LAUNCHcast, Answers, 360, eBay, iTunes, Amazon.com, etc. and stay up to date with new music, movies, sports scores and more.