Ch. de Mourat 61
1095 LUTRY Switzerland |
Tel/Fax : +41 21 791 54 41 (home)
E-mail: strinning@tele2.ch (home)
Version française du CV
Activity where qualifications such as creativity and innovation may be used, including preferably advice and promotion roles. Example, the interface between the product and the customer.
25 years career in industrial and high-tech environment, Swiss and international customer oriented, multilingual, training, innovation, analysis, engineering, organisation, project management
CETT, Y-Parc, Yverdon-les-Bains (www.cett.ch)
Center for Engineering and TechnologyTransfer
Marketing Coordinator |
2004 - today |
Communication, Promotion, Events and Prospection for R&D projects
International Research Projects
TECHNOLOGY SA, Granges/Veveyse (www.sokymat.com)
Components & Winding Machines for RFID and Micro-coils
Technical Marketing Coordinator |
2000 - 2002 |
New technologies survey
New market and business development for high-tech mass-production machines applicable to Micro-motors, Watch industry, Sensors and Mobile Telecommunication.
SHAPING SYSTEMS SA, Cheseaux/Lausanne (www.hct.ch)
Mulitwire Saw Machine for the Semiconductor & Solar Industries
Communication and Publication manager |
1995 - 2000 |
Promotion of a small quick expanding company
Creation of sales and technical publication (Products representing CHF 50 Mio)
Contribution with the president to set up a network of 5 Asian agents
Full management of the 3 trade shows yearly in US / Europe / Asia (see www.semi.org)
Customer Project Management (CHF 0,5 Mio)
Extensive use of numerous Microsoft® applications, database included
Creation of the company Internet Home Page (HTML language)
Management of the Process department including machine optimization.
TESA SA, Renens (www.tesabs.ch)
Instruments and
systems for precision measurement
Product manager
1989 - 1995
Analysis and identification of the niche-market and launching of products with CHF 2 Mio turnover, reporting
Specification of a measuring device in order to reduce sales costs by 50 %
Start-up mass production of a low cost system with doubled performance/price ratio
Organisation of Marketing Training sessions for a market growing from 2 to 5 Mio
Training manager + Documentation + Demonstration service
1983 - 1988
Management of a demonstration service for Coordinate Measuring Machines
Integration into the European market of "Statistical Process Control" products manufactured by the sister company in Seattle (USA)
BOBST SA (www.bobstgroup.com) then AUTOLOGIC SA, Mex
Setting stations
and photosetters in Graphic Arts
Technical instructor
1980 - 1983
Technical training of the service engineers (60 sessions on various machines)
Development of an efficient self-test and traceability systems for training courses
ARL, Ecublens, Switzerland (www.arl.ch) then Mesnil St-Denis (France)
Instruments for
spectroscopic analysis
Service and maintenance engineer
1976 - 1980
or revision with care and within the deadline of some 15 "Emission" and Glow
Discharge" type spectrometers (Numerous trips in Europe and Asia).
Swiss federal A-level (scientific section), 1971
Engineering School of Geneva (eig.unige.ch), 1972 - 1975
Diploma of ETS / HES / HTL Electrical Engineering (www.hes-so.ch)
Practice in Electronics at the Icelandic Post and Telecommunication, 1974
Seminar for instructors at the "Ecole Suisse de Gestion", 1988
ICC professional certificate in German language “ Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf (ZDfB)” (www.goethe.de/z/pruef/p6zdfb/deballge.htm), 2000
French : | read, spoken, written | Swedish : | read, spoken, written |
English : | read, spoken, written | Danish/Norwegian : | read |
German : | read, spoken, written | Spanish : | read, spoken |
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European Research Project IST-FP6 Tai-Chi
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004 Last update 1/2006