Dan Shea MCSE
Information Technology Educator
Security, Networking & Business Software
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(18 years experience)
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I can help you enjoy your Computer & Network
like I have helped Thousands all over N. America & Europe

Learn Something New Everyday!
In Business to
serve you for
18 yrs.
Since 1989
I have trained thousands of adults on Windows® NT & 2000 & 2003 (Server & Workstation) and XP, Macintosh and Linux. I am Microsoft® Certified MCSE. I also consult and teach clients on security, network design, data recovery, what software and hardware to purchase, installs, troubleshooting, data translations, etc.  I have developed custom software and databases in Filemaker Pro and MS Access, as well as building Macro's and templates for many companies. I was a MCT up to 2002. Fewer people are taking the 5 day Microsoft Certification classes. Few people can afford the time or the money for a 5 day course. I have custom designed the 5 day courses and books into two Days. Teach the important topics to keep your network and server up and running, not pass a test. At 2:00 in the morning that is the test.
Copyright© 2007 by Dan Shea
Updated May 10, 2007 - - Copyright© 2007 by Dan Shea
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or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission.
Any questions or problem links please email