Shareware Programs for the Amiga.
(and eventually the PC)

Slayer Programs Current Releases:

Unlock the CyberLocks by inputting the correct code. This is a puzzle game that can be a stumper. The idea is to replicate the given code in puzzle form. You are racing the clock, as time is limited to crack the code. Another Slayer Programs original!
Mininum donation: $10.00 USD for North America.
Read the description, check out the High Scores List and download the archive at the YTZPro Home Page. Also available on Aminet!
Mininum donation to register: $10.00 USD for North America.
Great graphics and ease of play make this game a sure hit bringing a one of a kind challenge to life. An oldworld game with a bold new twist.
Mininum donation: $10.00 USD for North America.
Defuse all the bombs and you win. Fullblown graphics, with multilevels of play. This game will soon become one of your favorites.
Mininum donation: $10.00 USD for North America.
The most powerful plasma generator ever runs on all Amigas (at version 2.01)! Create amazing plazmas in data, IFF, and executable. Very nice, very slick, supports screen offsets for graphic boards, width & heighth, etc. The purest form of raw animation is now available as an artist's toy. Demo available upon request which does not save. The interface makes creation a breeze. here soon. An important tool for any Amiga graphic artist!
Recomended donation: $25.00 USD for North America.
Mininum donation: $20.00 USD for North America.
Super Concentration
Built-in 'Image Editor' to create your own custom sets. Superb interface, multilevels of play, high scores, animations, and more. Fun for all. Up to four players.
Mininum donation: $8.00 USD for North America.
The Hack Extension
The Hack Extension for AMOS Professional, assembled in DevPac Assembler. Too many features to list here, The Hack Extension has over 120 commands. Complete custom system takeovers, Three button joystick routines, special move options, intuition links, Euro tricks, with the configurable random stars command, rstars. If you are serious about programming in AMOS Pro, you seriously need The Hack Extension. Speeds AMOS Professional up by well over 50%! AMOS Pro native inline help available.
Mininum donation: $50.00 USD

Please add $5.00 USD to recomended/mininum donation prices for international orders outside North America.

Slayer Programs Planned Future Releases:

The ultimate star scroller generator!
Drag racing. Build and maintain your dragster, racing for points and enough cash to survive, invest in better equipment, and gain more hosepower! Up to 4 human/computer players.
YTZPro Gold Series
Play opponents across the net. Define the number of the sides of the dice, and more..
And more..
Relm, Armageddon, Star Tracers, Tec, Crypt..
(With your support!)

Slayer Programs Freeware:

Documentation and insider hints for free games are only available from Slayer Programs for a small donation (see address below). Postage and publishing costs must be considered.

Email Ordering Information:

If you prefer recieving the program(s) via email as a MIME encoded and encrypted LhA archive, please specify that you prefer "e;crypted email delivery" and include the email address in your order. Email occurs only once a week (due to time constraints) and email delivery will not include any hard copy documentaion publishing costs or shipping expenses. Therfore the savings of $3.00 off of the above donation pricing is passed on to you, and no international delivery charge is made to anywhere in the universe. You must have email access with MIME capability in order to use this service. A great email program with MIME capability is YAM by Marcel Beck. You will recieve 2 emails with attachments, some are encrypted archives. The body of the text will be a breif doc file explaining how to use the program. The first attachment will contain a small LhA archive with the actual decryptor program (a fully functional en/de-cryption program). The second attachment will be the encrypted password with which to decrypt the second email. Your encryption password to decrypt the attached encrypted password is Slayer. The resulting decrypted text file will contain your encryption password for decrypting the attachment in the second email, which will be your ordered program(s).

Rally for Amiga Support!:

Slayer Programs distributes some shareware product freely. Due to restrictions on server space only one game is currently downloadable here. We are trying to address this situation now. Help us lobby for GeoCities to allow LhA archives on their server for residents' home pages. LhA is the current prefered and most widely accepted Amiga archival method and is available for the PC, Mac, and Unix platforms as well. LhA represents the Amiga archival standard, and therefore deserves support here at GeoCities to accomodate it's Amigan residents.

This site designed 100% on an Amiga by dp of Symbiotic Design and The Ghostmachine. Best viewed with underlining turned off. Graphic images created with PlazGen, Deluxe Paint IV AGA, Personal Paint 6.1, and converted to gif/jpeg with Image FX 1.5 or 2.6 (Color Cycling information has been lost in the conversion). Check out dp's art in the CyberGallery.

Page Copyright © for Jason Phelps by Doug Peters, March 11, 1998.

Slayer Programs
Jason J. Phelps
New Address:
2800 N. Highland #28
Sioux Falls, SD

Page by Symbiotic Design

YTZPro Home Page

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