Laste updated 2:55 AM PST 2/18/04

Entertainer Macros - Crafting Macros - Combat Macros - Survey Macro - Doctor Buffbot

Tip of the week: Did you know you can completely macro both Doctor and Combat Medic classes by using a tumble bot? Click Here (coming soon) for details.


Welcome to the ultimate info for macroing in Star Wars Galaxies. Included are many easy to follow macros. Also included is information about 3rd party software that allows you to take macroing to the next level.


AC Tool is a 3rd party program orginally designed for Asheron's Call, but will work in pretty much any program. What it does is performs a series of keyboard and mouse commands. It can get to be a very complex program in which you could write some very sophisticated macros. But since SWG already has an in-game macro system, we will only need AC Tool for it's mouse movements and mouse clickings.

You can find AC Tool here: download Version 4.4.7

IN ORDER TO STOP in-game macros you must type /dump
To stop AC Tool Macros
Such as the macro below in which your mouse is moving almost every second. It will be nearly impossible to hit the STOP button in AC Tool. So what you need to do is RIGHT click your mouse button and exit AC Tool. I have found no other way.


In order to copy and paste in-game go to options (CTRL + O) click KEYMAP, then press the CHAT tab at the top. Then scroll halfway down until you find CHAT COPY, CHAT PASTE. I changed them to the normal (CTRL+C) for copy, and (CTRL+V) for paste. This will make it much easier for you to plug these in-game macros in.