Happy EaSTer!

Attention! It has been brought to our attention that it is no longer ChriSTmas, and that, in fact, SanTa never existed. While we cope with the inevitable sadness of the occasion, we ask that you all observe a minute of silence for our shattered dreams. Er... STs eh! They're brilliant aren't they! Fantastic!

As I was so bloody slack in not updating this page for a whole 3 months, the mail backlog built up considerably, so I deleted the lot without bothering to read it. Only kidding... I read most of it, except the spam. It has to be said, spamming a bunch of hackers is not a wonderfully clever thing to do; no doubt Darwin would have had something to say about it. Anyway, from digging through the various bits of mail (and there was a hell of a lot!), I've arranged a little robo-response for you all as many of the mails seem to be very similar...

  1. Where can I download your disks?
    Well. There's a dilemma involved with answering this one. As you are obviously incapable of reading this page, you're probably incapable of reading any answer I'd send you. Oops. I've deleted your mail. Tsk.
  2. I'd just like to say how much I liked your disks...
    Well thankydoodydiddly. We really like such mail; gives us a nice warm glow in our floppy drives. We generally won't answer the mail unless we recognise a name from ye olde days, but rest assured the sentiment was appreciated.
  3. What's your problem with Macs?
  4. Can you send me the source code of something-or-other?
  5. Can you mail me?
    Nope. Here's a clue: say why you want us to mail you, and you might just get more consideration for the request.
  6. Why are you taking the piss out of Macs you tossers?
  7. Are you some-person-or-other?
    Nope. Rest assured you didn't know any of us (unless you did, and if you did, you wouldn't be asking, eh!), and you don't know any of us now. Unless you do.
  8. I know someone who says he was one of the Pompeys.
    Ask to see his keyring then. If it's a silver version of the one above, he might be telling the truth. If it's exactly like the one above, it's Alien - buy him a pint immediately.
  9. Peeceez suckzzzzzzz! MACZZZ rooooool!
    Doh. There have been a few particularly clueless idiots moaning about the 'crappy Macs' reference to be found later on this page... well, here's a clue guys and gals. Read some of the later scrolltexts on PP menus and see the references to how crap PCs are. Now look at what computer is used by most of the planet. Now look at the technically superior Mac and see how many people use it. Hmmm. I'm sure Mac owners have the same mindset as the stokers on the Titanic. If you just ignore the realities of the world, you'll be alright, eh. Incidentally, for 'Mac' you can substitute 'ST', 'Falcon', 'Amiga' and probably several others as well.

Well, that's enough crap for this time. If you feel the need to mail us with further additions to the great Mac vs PC debate, please do so. We have set up a special email address for any such correspondence!

If you're gonna bookmark this page, then bookmark the address below; this page is liable to move without warning (it's a bit like those old blokes you see in city centres, well dodgy and liable to lunge at you spraying saliva and mumbling "Gnenerrrccchhhyyyyaaaaabugger!"):



Hey, hasn't the emu come along in leaps and bounds since our page first went up? Sound, proper palette support, joystick and mouse emulation, the works. It really kicks Gemulator in the nads! With hobnailed boots on! Frederic, if we were WareZ WannabeeZ, we would call you a Do0d. Unfortunately, we are all in posession of brains and are therefore incapable of mistaking letters for numbers or using mixed upper and lower case text in a KeWl manner. So we will stick to our previous description of you - bloody genius.

Anyway, enough of the brown tongue brigade, if you've been living in a cave or something and haven't already downloaded PaCifiST, you should immediately zip off to Fred's home page and grab a copy. You'll also want to grab yourself some TOS ROMs and games to go with it. Though the TOS ROMs we put up on the old page have spread nicely, which was the intention, they're here again to keep it nice and easy, plus the ZIP now contains TOS 2.0 as well as 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.62 and 2.6. Now we really should moan about what a bunch of nobbers Atari/JTS were/are and how bad... er, I'll stop right there. Tossers. Us, that is - we're killing the Atari scene, remember.

But hang on, "what about this ST emulator for the Mac?" I hear you ask! All three of you. Well, it's simple you see. A Mac is just a crappy old thing you get an ST to emulate, so it's obviously silly doing it the other way round. Nuff said.

What, still moaning? Asking "what about this ST emulator for Win95?"... well yeah, it's there but it ain't much cop right now. Mind you, neither was PaCifiST to start with so WinSTon (for it is, er, it) is worth keeping an eye on.


It's a strange and inexplicable fenon phenomomomn thing - people have an ST emulator, and all they want to do is play games on it. Wot no word processing? Wot no image editing? Wot no running air traffic control systems? Well of course bloody not. Anyone with any sense stopped using Atari machines for anything serious a good few years back, so who gives a stuff if the emulator doesn't run sodding 1st Word Plus or Calamus perfectly, as long as it runs Falcon or Rainbow Islands or Deuteros or Oids or Dungeon Master or... you get the idea. But remember when you're playing these games - you're killing the ST scene! Yes! Don't forget this very important fact! After you download the image files, make sure delete them after 24 hours and go down to HMV or Game or whatever and buy a real copy. What's that you say? You can't find the real thing cos they'd don't sell them any more? No! I'm shocked.

Welllll... unfortunately the emulator doesn't (at the time of writing) run all games perfectly, but it's getting damn close. And there are plenty of games out there, and plenty of our menu disks. There are two particular site you absolutely must visit - Matt's Pompey Pirates Tribute Page (now there you have the perfect web site - it's got a bloody big ALIEN logo on it) and Rich's Little Green Desktop, which not only has an archive of every PP menu, but also has a search engine so you can look for a particular game and then grab the appropriate menu! Bloody great! You should also stop in at Juggler's Page, the only other Pompey member to bother putting finger to keyboard and come up with some webby thingy stuff. Be warned though! There's one of those noisy smelly baby things lurking there...

Other sites worth a look at for games and stuff are the Sewer Doc Disks Shrine (dunno how to play a game? Get the manual off a Sewer Doc Disk!) and Aengus' Demonburp's ST Emporium. He updates it rather more regularly than this page is updated (having avoided getting machine-gunned to death in Egypt and thereafter pledged to God that he shall run the most regularly changed ST site in the universe) and has plenty of links too so you can find out about all the other great ST pages with loadsagames on them.

             Contacting Us             

If you are what is technically described as a LAMER and want help with some aspect of running PaCifiST or playing some game, you are cordially invited to:

  1. Learn to read, and
  2. Read some damn docs and don't bug us

If you want to find a particular game, then:

  1. Search all the ST web sites
  2. Don't bug us
  3. Ask on the Little Green Desktop's appropriate section
  4. Don't bug us
  5. And I have to reiterate this now: don't bug us

If you want to know about getting a CD full of ST stuff, then:

  1. Don't bug us, we can't help you
  2. Don't bug us
  3. Don't bug us

If you want to contact us for anything else, then:

  1. Mail us at pompeypirates@hotmail.com, or
  2. Leave a message in the guestbook (see below)
  3. Do not send real mail to any postal address found on our menus - we won't get it. Time has moved on a bit ya know!

Sign the guestbook and we'll view the guestbook from time to time so you can rest assured any abuse/praise will be read and ignored/lapped up. Don't expect any replies from us to anything you put in the guestbook - if any of us get the time to look and reply, we will, but we don't guarantee anything.


Greetings go to Teddystacker, Matt Sephton, Rich Davey, Aengus Jankowsky, Frederic, Automation (esp. The Law & Neil of Cor Blimey), BBC, Medway Boys (esp. Zippy), Superior and Sewer Software.

Alien, for the Pompeys
I managed to resist putting a scroller in yet again! Blimey. You'd better get a copy of AssiST v0.27 if you want to read that kinda crap!