Personal Homepage


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Music by these guys, "I am the Walrus, goo goo ga
Greetings! Welcome to my home page. My name is Ted Faust. I’m the guy with the big birds and the alien in the pictures (the alien and the birds aren’t real, but I’m pretty sure I am). I’ve been a designer in the architectural field, but I’m now venturing into web site design, administration and Internet publishing.
I hope you find this page eye (and ear) catching. The possibilities for creativity in web publishing are unlimited. With sounds, music, graphics and animation, web sites can come alive to facilitate your business or personal needs.
You can check out some examples of pages that I’ve created by clicking on them below. If I can be of service or if you have any comments, email works best. My mail address is listed below also. You can reach me at theodocious@yahoo.com or theodocious@geocities.com. I’d love to hear from you. I’ll be adding more to this page to make it more personal as time permits.
Copyright 2008 by Ted Faust (Author & Webmaster)
Howlin' Coyote Productions
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