That's me on the bottom right in the blue sweatshirt. Notice our great reading ability (I never got the hang of phonics). This was take with some friends at Clingman's Dome in Eastern Tennessee. Its also located on my photo gallery page.
I'm a 17 year old Senior at Westview High School located in the small (we do have a McDonalds) town of Martin, TN. Westview isn't the greatest school in the world but its better than any of the others in Weakley County.
I'm from a family of 6 kids (Yes that's 6). They're all from the same two people which is even stranger (they wanted 8 I think). Anyways, I have an older brother, two older sisters, a younger sister, and a younger brother. That makes 3 boys and 3 girls in all (The Brady Bunch). So anyways that's my family.
I love to play soccer for Westview (4 time District Champs, 1998 Regional Champs). I usually end up playing in the midfield somewhere although sometimes I get put in as the keeper. I don't really play any other sports mainly because I either find them boring (baseball) or I fear that I would get smeared all over the place (football, if you look in the above picture you'll see why I feel this way).
I'm made a kind of shrine of pictures of my girlfriend and I which you can see here. She's the stunningly beautiful girl in the royal blue dress. I don't like to dress up and this is only the second time in my life that I've worn a tux. (I didn't even wear one to my sister's wedding)
Then there is my other photo page. Mostly its pictures of my month at the Governor's School for the Sciences 1998. This is one of the coolest things. You go for a month to the UTK campus and get to do work (its kinda like college) in your specialty (mine was chemistry). You stay in the dorms, go on field trips, have dances, watch movies, work (oh yeah that's what we're there for), and then in the end you write a research paper. Its lots of fun.
I have added yet another page of pictures. These are going to be just random pictures taken of my friends and I.
Here are some pictures of my trip to Costa Rica. It was a lot of fun.
This is a picture of an mIRC popup that I made for my girlfriend. She loves strawberries but the java module at ISWT chat doesn't let her see it correctly so I made a picture of this popup for her.
Douglas Adams is one of the best writers in my opinion. Here you can find some information about the books and various quotes from them.
You can also visit a friend of mine's page. Its mostly jokes. Some tasteful, some tasteless. William's Page
If you'd like to buy some books and you're having a hard time finding them locally you can try . If you want you can use the search engine located here to find them.
I work on computers a lot for money and for fun. I can usually get them working properly but sometimes they just will not communicate properly. Case in point would be Windows 98 and my Sound Card. I got really frustrated one night and was trying to figure out exactly what Windows thought it was doing. This is what I think must have been going on. Its really pretty funny and even true!
I also have other hobbies, one of which is programming games and other useful programs for the various TI series of graphing calculators. I have a few games that I have written myself none of which is very spectacular. I'm kinda proud of my rendition of Risk for the TI-92. If you happen to download it make sure you look at Australia. I never claimed to be much of an artist but a certain friend of mine who shall remain nameless *You know who you are :)* told me that Australia looks like a telephone. The bad part is that she's right. Oh well, I don't think it matters too much. You can find those here. If you want me to post some programs I'll be glad to do that for you. Just send them to
I also have a big interest in all things computerish and Internet related. Most of the time you can find me online (tying up the one phone line). I'm either chatting on mIRC at , on ICQ #12246789, or on AIM with the nickname Adidougie. My nickname is Adidas for both mIRC and ICQ. Mostly I chose it cause I love the shoe company (they make some awesome soccer stuff).
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