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What is this SOA buzz word I am hearing about in the System i Industry? Learn more about the facts on SOA and what does it mean to System i world.
Reserve your seat for a complimentary technical or business briefing on one of these hot topics.
Enterprise Level Firewall for iSeries
Symantec Enterprise Firewall for IBM eServer™ iSeries 270 protects corporate assets and transactions by ensuring secure connections with the Internet and between networks.
Debut of three iSeries models
IBM advanced its computing-on-demand with the introduction of its first servers capable of scaling in both directions. When the iSeries 825, 870, and 890 servers begin shipping Feb. 21, they'll provide IT managers with the ability to turn on additional Power4 CPUs and turn them off when they're no longer needed.
System i Rocks the House
IBM's System i server, long considered a solid, if drab, business machine, has vaulted to the Java performance forefront, according to recent VolanoMark and SPEC benchmark tests.
iSeries Weblink of the Month
I will post a monthly link of iSeries related websites that are helpful to the community.
IBM iSeries Technical Conference
This year's session are from October 13 to 17 at the Renaissance Hotel, Orlando Florida.
Common Fall 2003 Conference and Expo
The Conference will take place at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Sept. 7-11, 2003.
Upcoming Events
System i Worldwide
Training solutions
What's new? Where is it?
Email me if you find an iSeries web-site that is helpful for the community and I will post it here.
Why pick System i for Domino Platform?
Read a series of article why System i is the future
platform for Domino.
RPG Into Objects (RIO) Tool
Advanced Systems Concepts has released version 2.0 of its RIO (Rpg Into Objects) tool. RIO is a conversion tool for the System i that automatically converts RPG into C++ programs or Java classes. Version 2 uses IBM's Web Facing tool to create JavaServer Pages (JSPs) in place of the display files. Read more about it here.
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