Spyder's page

To get your own clock go toUSNO Master Clock
My site is underconstruction!!!
It will soon be filled!!
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Go to The Gators Page -->Gators
- Gators Paintball Team-Take a look at the newest and hotest team in California!
Join the team To join our Rec-Ball or Tournament Team, email your real name, phone number, and include what area/county you live in!
TeamGators! Or to me at spyder500@geocities.com
We will get back to you as soon as possible!
We accept all fair playing and good sports man like players of all skill levels in the
California area! First time players are always encouraged!
Or go to my own paintball page atPaintball I will have some Spyder Guns on soon!
With newbie information about prices and what to bring and the FAQ's page to!
I will have more links to sites that has free Gifs and free Shareware and Demo's
I will have cheat codes for games soon but hang on I don't have much time to fix it but I will soon!
- And others you want to be shown

Tell me what you think of these pictures by signing my guest pad and leaving comments!!! Also if you have any suggestions about my page leave me a comment in my guest pad!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
Sefco for your computer needs!
Arcadium your game site to the latest games on the industry
Paintball for your info and supplies!!!
Spyder Owners Group... All the newest supplies for your Spyder and links to other Paintball sites
Paintball Pardise the S.F. Spyder central
Warpig the Paintball site for newbies and information!!!
Come Back Soon To check out my site

This counter sine 1/1/97
Last Updated 6/1/97 Webmaster is Spyder500 If there is comments, questions, or run into problems with this site email me at spyder500@geocities.com
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Warning if you are not in a good mood do not go here! It might make you mad...Enter at your own risk for some fun!
Note that the ring images are copyrighted. If you plan to use them elsewhere, you must have a link to this site and/or a line ring
images by Yang Heng Siou (ysiou@Hawaii.Edu).
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