Shlomo SOLOMON - Raanana - Israel
Hi. Let me welcome you to my HOME page. I hope you've noticed that you can click on the word welcome to hear me greet you. I hope to put more here soon...By the way, if you click on my picture, you'll be able to see the very latest version (sometimes not completely tested or even slightly buggy) of this page.
Here you should see a clock I programmed in Java. Obviously, pushing the start or pause buttons will tell the clock to start or stop. The EXIT button disables the clock. You must hit RELOAD to start the clock again:
See another JAVA test program "borrowed" from SUN.
I'm a computer programmer/systems analyst working for the
Bank of Israel .
I work mostly on mainframe applications. Lately I've moved to the Bank Auditing department. I live in Raanana . At home I run LINUX Mandrake 8.0 on a Pentium III 500 with 192 Mega of memory. My wife Shoshana is an elementary school teacher.
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These are my kids.
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And here's my grand-daughter Gali.
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