Welcome... You are viewing "Colin's Electronic Porfolio" on the web. All of the images and buttons you see, are done mostly using Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator.If you come across an animated gif, chances are that they were created by a Silicon Graphics Inc.Machine, using Alias Poweranimator, version 7.0. I have been in the CyberARTS program for nearly a year now, and I have been doing electronic images during that time. The majority of the images on this page are in the web image genre. I feel that making "web images" is the area I'm the best in compared to artist rendations using these programs. Now that you are here, please enjoy yourself, and feel free to browse this page, and enjoy it to its fullest intent. Please keep in mind, that all of this images are copyrighted and should not be copied or changed in any way. If you would like to contact me via e-mail, you can reach me at my e-mail address |
