Hello, and welcome to Mike and Tina's Shrine. Allow me to
introduce myself. My name is Michael Craig Coleman, and I'm 27
years old. I am a computer software engineer working at a
company in suburban Chicago called
Tina Baymon Coleman is my lovely wife, pictured with me above.
Hmmm...what should I tell you about myself. Well, Tina and I are members of Reed's Temple, which is a church on the South Side of Chicago. Both of us are in the Reed's Temple Choir. Have you heard of it? Of course you have. They have so far produced two albums, both of which feature the voice talents of Tina and myself. If you'd like to learn more about Reed's Temple Choir, click on the album cover, from "Be Encouraged," our first album (NOTE: when you click on it, it'll ask you for a password. You'll have to hit CANCEL, and then create a login ID and password. Don't worry, it's easy, and you'll be able to HEAR samples from our albums!)
Okay. I am new to cyberspace, so pardon me if there's not much here yet. However, you if you'd like to know more about me, just drop me an email.
As for this site, I must admit, I didn't design it myself. Yes,
it's true...with all of my vast expertise in computing, I don't
have the faintest idea yet of how to make a webpage. But I will!
I must give ALL the credit to my brother
Mark Coleman, who gave
me this site in the first place. You can visit his web pages by
clicking on the boxes below:
Well, that's it for now. Later!