Huy's AWESOME homepage
(full of his favorite stuff)
HEY! This is Huy Pham. I'm 5'7 (ok.. maybe a
little bit less! :), 130 lbs and I go to Elsik High School in
Houston Texas. I decided to start a webpage with my favorite
subjects on it. So, here you go! (If you have Netscape or I.E.,
Mission Impossible will be playing in the background.)
HI DARLENE! You're probaly sitting here bored in Microcomputers
Huh? Well, it's 1:20 and I'm bored!
Here are some links you might enjoy:
The Unofficial Elsik Home Page (Created by the Great Sodeep. This is a great page
about my school that is created by Sudeep Cherian).
Hotmail (Free web-based Email)
Search Engines (A
page FULL of many search engines)
Mercury Mail (Sends free email about weather, sports, news...)

© 1996 huypham@hotmail.com
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