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I think it was Notsradamus, but I am not very sure...but somebody did say that January 17, 1972 would be a memorable day.  I do not know how memorable it was for the rest of the world, but it sure was for my parents...Ya ..they got me !!   To find more about me, my friends and other interesting links , enter my den..

If  you care more about other things than you do for my interests and friends...I do have things for you in my living room...........


While you re here you can check out the organisations that I have worked for 

  1. Tata Telecom - India's most reputed telecom organisation
  2. Lucent Technologies - The most reputed telecom firm in the world


    Maybe some of these links interest you


    If you did not visit my den, well then should I tell you what you have missed ??

    Well you just missed a lot of links to Music resources on the web and a lot of Links to Philatelic sites on the web and some beautiful snaps of Sonali Bendre and if you have any interest in locating any friends from the MSU Baroda - Faculty of Technology batch 1993 you missed it too...I won't  tell you more and sadden you........

    If you have a change of heart ENTER NOW

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