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DrPcJimWelcome to DrPcJim's Stuff
Last Updated: 7/6/98
Welcome to DrPcJim's Stuff. I've set up a bunch of sites that cover different interests. I've spent most of my summer setting all this up, so it is taking me quite a bit of time to do all this. I had to wait till school got out so I would have the time to do this. There isn't much uploaded yet, a lot is still in production. I will have more up as time progresses. Right now, my homepage has been redesigned, and I've set up a site for my webring, HTML Writers Ring. My Duke Nukem 3D Site is still up, but in its old form. I thank you for stoping by, and would like you to bookmark this site so you can come back later when everythings finished.

Hit Counter
The current hits for this site are as follows.

Since this site was released on 7/6/98.

My Homepage
The first site I should start out with is my homepage. Just some simple information about myself and my friends. Check it out.

DrPcJim's Stuff

HTML Writers Ring
This is the first official site I've set up for my webring. It was orrginally a page, with not much on it. Now I've made it easier to navigate, allowing better access then before. Just click the banner.

HTML Writers Ring Banner

AustNET's #StarCraft Site
This page just covers some information about a AustNET channel #StarCraft. Some simple things like its history, the operators of the channel, rules, a place to sign up for operator status, and more. If you like Blizzard Entertainments StarCraft, you'll want to check out this channel.

AustNET's #StarCraft

This site was created by
Jim AKA DrPcJim
ICQ# 426134
HTML WC3 4.0Geocities