Light Propagation through Optical fibers

Balance Of Rotating Machinery

Two topics for on-line learning


Vijayalaxmi Sirohi

Information Technology is used both as medium and tool in education. Computers are used as tools in the management of instruction. Educational software is the software systems used to aid the teaching/learning process. Often software simulates a specific teaching and learning environment. Emphasis is placed on the interactive nature so that an active participation by the user is involved. Internet has added a new phase to the use of computers in instruction. WWW has enhanced the opportunities available for education. It increases the level of involvement of the participant. Here the model of the problem under study is constructed by means of Visual Interactive Simulation. The model is presented in visual graphical display. Animation enhances the effectiveness of the simulation. This puts the user in the problem environment and gives free hand to alter the data and study.

This software can be used both as a supplement to regular course and also stand- alone. The main advantage of this software is that it allows the participant to construct the visual model of the problem and study the behavior.

Two software are presented here --

LIPTOF, LIght Propagation Through Optical Fibers is described here. This educates the user on how light rays are guided through an optical fiber. The main page gives a brief description and there are links to two pages -- (i) the refraction, which is the basic concept of guidance and (ii) the light guidance through the fiber. The user can alter the data and visualize the path of the ray. Any discrepancy in the data given, or any error etc are displayed.

BAROMA, educates user on BAlance of ROtating MAchinery. Practically all machinery involves rotating parts. These rotating parts, under non-perfect situations transmit force and cause unwanted noise and vibration. This affects the performance and fatigue life of the rotating system. Due to economic reasons non-perfect parts are manufactured and correction is applied to eliminate unwanted forces. This is termed balance of rotating machinery. The concept underlying this procedure and the technique of balance is described in BAROMA. Animation is included here to visualize rotation.



© Copyright, 1998 Dr.Vijayalaxmi Sirohi, Computer Center, Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai 600036, India
Designed, developed and coded by Dr.Vijayalaxmi Sirohi