Tal Traveler,

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A kajira swims in the cool waters of the falls.

Welcome to Gor, also know as Counter Earth, and be welcome in #The-Waterfalls-of-Gor. This camp is dedicated to BD/SM done in a Gorean conteXt, based on the Chronicles of Counter Earth written by John Norman. Gor is a savage land, ruled by the all powerful Priest-Kings, and the strength of your sword. This beautiful land has mighty warriors, and beautiful slaves (called kajira (f) or kajirus (m)). It has giant eagles, called Tarns, that warriors ride into battle, and deadly siX legged, eight foot tall tiger like creatures called sleens. It is a world of beauty, and of death, savagery and sorcery, where beautiful women are sold on the auction block for a few gold Tarns.....

#The-Waterfalls-of-Gor is not a tavern, it is an outdoor camp, set near a stream that fills a large pond, on AustNet. There is a central fire pit, and the Masters wagons are set in a circle around the fire. There are no chairs and tables, but please have a seat on a fur by the fire. We welcome all who would share our kettle with us. The kajira in camp would be more than happy to serve you anything that you wish, but, this is not a seX channel for Horny Net Geeks, if you enter the camp and are in a seX channel, please leave that channel or this camp, also this camp is 18+, if you are in a teen channel, you will be kicked, this is your first and LAST warning....

Masters nicks all begin with CAPITAL letters, slaves have lower case letters in their nick, eXcept for their collar, which their master gives them, as in a slave with the nick kajira{WG} would have the name of kajira and the collar of {WG}. {WG} is the collar of the camp, they are protected by the camp, and answer first and foremost to them. A kajira with a collar such as white{WG}w is called a white silk kajira, she cannot seXually satisfy another master but her own, and in the case of a camp white silk, that falls to the camp owner.

The view from the edge of the camp's pond.

And as a reminder to any Masters, a kajira is loyal to her Master, and listens to him or her first, the kajira's Master's order takes precedence over another Masters orders, so as an eXample, if Master tells kajira{M}w that she may play wavs if they are not disrupting the camp, and she does not need permission to ask after every one, she may.

A kajira wanders into camp, begging permission to enter.
A few camp rules:
1. A kajira must always ask permission to enter the camp.
2. A kajira must always ask permission to leave the camp.
3. A master cannot strike another's kajira without that Master's permission.
4. Do not point directly at face when opening.
5. NightsTarn is not a Master, he is a huge eagle that protects the camp from dangers.
6. While not a standard rule. most Masters forbid their kajira from talking in whispers (private messages or DCC chats). If you wish to whisper to a kajira, ask her if it allowed, or ask her Master if he or she is in attendance.
7. Do not eXceed more than three tablets in twenty-four hours, unless directed by a Doctor.
8. Do not refer to Tarn as Big Bird, his name is Tar, and he is not Big, Yellow, and he has no imaginary snuffalufagus friend....
9. This is not a seX channel, if you are in a seX channel, such as #sexpics1 or #cybersex, you will be asked to leave, if you are in an incest, kiddy porn, teen porn, animal seX, or rape channel, you will be kicked and banned without warning.
10. This camp is 18+ if you are in a teen channel, we will assume that you are less than 18, and we will kick you with out warning.
11. Most of all, have fun!!!
12. Member FDIC.

Common drinks of Gor:

Bazi Tea : an herbal beverage served hot & heavily sugared; traditionally drunk 3 tiny cups at a time, in rapid succession.
Black Wine : coffee; traditionally served with red and yellow sugars and powdered bosk milk, and in tiny cups.
Ka-la-na : a very potent dry white or red wine, made from the fruit of the Ka-la-na tree.
Kal-da : alcoholic beverage made of ka- la-na wine diluted with citrus juices and mixed with strong spices, and served hot.
Paga (abbr. of Pagar-Sa-Tarna, lit. 'pleasure of the life-daughter'): grain-based, lumpy distilled hard liquor akin to whiskey; sometimes served warm, this is the drink most often served in Taverns.
Sul Paga: alcoholic beverage made from suls; akin to vodka.

Common Foods of Gor:

Bosk : large, shaggy, long-horned bovine similar to the Earth cow; cattle; served as beef is served.
Fish : many different varieties of fish are consumed. eg parsit - a silvery fish having brown stripes and wingfish - tiny blue salt-water fish with 4 poisonous spines on its dorsal fin; its liver is considered a delicacy in Turia.
Kes : a shrub whose salty, blue secondary roots are a main ingredient in sullage.
Kort : a rinded fruit of the Tahari; served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg.
Larma : succulent fruit, rather like an apple; sometimes sliced and fried, and served with browned-honey sauce; offering a larma, real or imagined, by a slave girl to her master is a silent plea for the girl to be raped.
Ram-berries : small, succulent purple berries.
Sa-Tarna : grain, specifically wheat.
Sa-Tassna : meat; food in general.
Slave Porridge : a cold, unsweetened mixture of water and Sa-Tarna meal, on which slaves are fed; in Torvaldsland, it is called 'bond-maid gruel', and often mixed with pieces of chopped parsit fish.
Sorp : a shellfish, common esp. in the Vosk river, similar to an oyster; like an oyster.
Sul : starchy, golden-brown, vine-borne fruit; principal ingredient in sullage, a tuberous vegetable similar to the potato; often served sliced and fried.
Sullage : a soup made principally from suls, tur-pah, and kes, along with whatever else may be handy.
Tarsk : porcine animal akin to the Earth pig, having a bristly mane which runs down its spine to the base of the tail.
Tospit : a bitter, juicy citrus fruit.
Tur-pah : an edible tree parasite with curly, red, ovate leaves; grows on the tur tree; a main ingredient in sullage.
Vulo : a tawny-colored poultry bird, similar to a pigeon, which also exists in the wild, used for meat and eggs.

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Links to other TWoG pages:

Follow the little kajira to everything she
needs to know, but is afraid to ask...

Gorean-English Dictionary

The Creed of the Dominant

Non Gor Pages By NightFire:

Hear the Word of Bob, see the Boble Home Page (very funny, worth a look :) :) )

A fond farewell to the HellFIRE script (and IRC) from HellFIRE's creator, NightFire (aka Xavier Hellfire)

Links to other Gor pages:

Visit #Tor-Tu-Gor, an ~Adult~ Gorean Brothel.... The light upon the HomeStone

Visit The Camp of Treve

See maia and eve's little corner of the web

Links to non Gor D/s pages

Visit Master Joe's Website

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