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Table of Contents
Bible Text
Catechisms, Confessions & Creeds
Denominations & Churches
Doctrines of Grace (TULIP)
Foreign Language Reformed Links
Papers and Articles
Bible in Arabic (PDF)
La Bible Louis Segound (1910)- The Bible in French (Louis Segond (1910) Version)
Geneva Study Bible (1599)
Geneva Study Bible (1599) in PDF format
Gutenburg Bible- Photos of a Gutenburg Bible online. Entire Bible!
New King James Version (Searchable)
Spanish Versions of the Bible- Many different Spanish versions to choose from
All of Grace by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The Beatitudes: An exposition of Matthew 5:1-12 by Thomas Watson
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity by John Owen
Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen
Christologia by John Owen
Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church By Gary North
Doctrine of Justification by Faith by John Owen
Evidence of the Faith of God's Elect by John Owen
Fox's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe, Edited by William Byron Forbush
Glory of Christ by John Owen
History of Redemption, Part 3: From Christ's Resurrection to the End of the World By Jonathan Edwards
Holy War by John Bunyan
The Inspiration of Scripture by Loraine Boettner
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
Introduction to the Worhsip of God by John Owen
Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim
Lord's Prayer by Thomas Watson
Morning and Evening by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Mortification of Sin in Believers by John Owen
Of Communion with God by John Owen
Of Temptation by John Owen
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Paradise Regained by John Milton
Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner
The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter
Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism by Rev. Ronald Cammenga and Rev. Ronald Hanko
The Sovereignty Of God by A. W. Pink
Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson
Vindication of Some Passages in a Discourse Concerning Communion with God by John Owen
The Works of Flavius Josephus by Josephus, Translated by William Whiston
The Archives Bookshop- Not exclusively reformed books, but tons of out of print books and good prices.
Banner of Truth Trust
Blue Ridge Printing and Publishing
Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service
Discerning Reader
Monergism Books
Oakdown Books
Old Path Publications
PCA Bookstore
Puritan Publications
P & R Publishing
Reformation Christian Ministries- Reformed Literature in English as well as in Russian, Chinese, Spanish Albanian and Czech
Reformation Heritage Books
Soli Deo Gloria Ministries
Still Water Revival Books
Trinitarian Bible Society
Athanasian Creed (c 500 AD)
Belgic Confession of Faith
Canons of Dordt (1618-1619)
Second Helvetic Confession
Heidelberg Catechism
Heidelberg Catechism in MP3- Download each Lord's Day in MP3 format.
Reformed Confessions 3.0 for Windows- Many Reformed Confessions in Windows Help File format. Free!
The Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order (1658)
Stark's New Catechism
Westminster Confession of Faith
Westminster Shorter Catechism
Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
Christ College- Located in Lynchburg, VA
Covenant College- Located in Lookout Mountain, GA
Dordt College- Liberal Arts college in Sioux Center, Iowa
Erskine College- Located in Due West, SC
Geneva College- Located in Beaver Falls, PA.
Gutenberg College- Located in Eugene, OR. A classical “Great-Books” college that teaches from a biblical worldview.
Master's College- Located in Santa Clarita, CA
Reformed Bible College- Located in Grand Rapids, MI
John Calvin's Commentaries
Matthew Henry's Commentary (1706)
First Annual Conference on Reformation Theology (2003)- Redding, California. Sermons now available online!
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Bible Presbyterian Church- Home of the Westminster Shorter Catechism Project
Covenanting Association of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches
Eglise Reformee du Quebec (Reformed Church of Quebec)
Evangelical Reformed Church of Sacramento, California
Faith Reformed Church of Edmonds, Washington
Grace Presbyterian Church of Redding, California
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America
Protestant Reformed Churches in America
Reformed Episcopal Church
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe
Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States
Rev. David Stark's appeal to the RCUS (which was never heard)
United Reformed Church in North America
Doctrines of Grace- Web page nicely done
Expostion of the Doctrines of Grace
Louise's Home Page- Lists of Scriptures for each point
Supra-Man's Predestinated Homepage- Lots of great resources on the Doctrines of Grace
TULIP Canons of Dordt
Antichrist in Scripture- by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee
The Historicism Research Foundation
History of Redemption, Part 3: From Christ's Resurrection to the End of the World By Jonathan Edwards
Postmillennialism- by Loraine Boettner
China Christian Books - Lots of reformed books in Chinese, plus a free CD offer!
Heidelberg Catechism in Chinese
Institues of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, in Simplified Chinese
La Bible (Louis Segound 1910)- The Bible in French
Centre de Resources Reformees Francophones (Center for French Reformed Resources)
Eglise Reformee du Quebec (Reformed Church of Quebec)
Farel Faculte de Theologie Reformee (Farel Reformed Theological Seminary)- Located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Instruction in French!
Catecismo de Heidelberg Heidelberg Catechism in Spanish
Catecismo Menor de Westminster Westminster Shorter Catechism in Spanish
Ciudad Reformada en Gracia- Hispanic Reformed forum, lots of reformed literature in Spanish.
Confesion de Fe de Westminster Westminster Confession of Faith in Spanish
El Camino De La Salvacion (The Way of Salvation in Spanish) Arthur Pink
Iglesia del Senor Viviente-de la Iglesia Presbiteriana Ortodoxa- Spanish-speaking OPC church in Santa Ana, CA
Pecadores En Las Manos De Un Dios Airado (Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God in Spanish) Jonathan Edwards
Presbiteriano Reformado- Contains the entire Westminster Standards in Spanish! The only place on the web where this is available
Third Millennium Ministries- Spanish
Todo El Que Quiera Whosoever Will by Herman Hoeksema in Spanish
Vision R.E.A.L.(Reformación En América Latina)- Many articles and reformed resources in Spanish!
Biblical Horizons- Mostly theological articles from a reformed perspective.
Chalcedon- Monthly magazine. Articles updated on website more often.
Chasing Hats Magazine- Online reformed magazine.
Clarion- the magazine of the Canadian Reformed Church
Contra Mundum Classic articles and resources of the historic Christian faith.
Mordern Reformation- The Publication of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Presbyterian and Reformed News- News of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
Presbyterian Reformed Magazine- Archives Articles from a reformed perspective Articles from a reformed perspective
The Standard Bearer- Magazine of the Protestant Reformed Church A Reformed magazine aimed at teenage girls. Updated frequently!
WRS Journal- From Western Reformed Seminary (see link under Seminaries)
Frontline Fellowship Works in Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Sudan, and Zambia.
Middle East Reformed Fellowship Works in over 15 Arabic speaking countries
Reformation Christian Ministries Works in Albania, Italy, Russia and Suriname
Reformation in Latin America- Roger Smalling, a missionary with the PCA. Mostly in Latin America
Westminster Biblical Missions Works in Korea, Pakistan, Hungary, and Mexico.
Caedmon's Call- Great music, Biblical lyrics.
Royal Ruckus- Reformed Hip-Hop group out of Bakersfield, CA.
Supertones- A great Christian ska/rock band with wonderfully reformed lyrics.
Christian World and Life View by Rev. David Th. Stark
From Chaos to Cosmos:
A Critique of the Framework Hypothesis- by Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr.
God Said It. That Settles It. by Seth Stark. Defends six day creation and the authority of Scripture.
Grace Online Library- Lots of Reformed articles on a variety of topics.
How Can God be Just and Ordain Evil?[PDF]- by John Battle
Lectures on Calvinism- By Abraham Kuyper
Of Good Report- Reformed writings on things "of good report"
The Puritans and Revival Christianity- by Iain Murray
Some Thoughts on Matthew 16:18- by Rev. David Th. Stark. Deals with Peter NOT being the rock on which the church is built. Petros/Petra
Stuff I've Written by Seth Stark
Puritan Apologetical Method- By Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr.
Rev. David Stark's appeal to the RCUS (which was never heard)
An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity by Jonathan Edwards
Various Questions and Answers- From Common questions about Biblical Christianity are answered.
Various Questions and Answers- From the OPC. Common questions about Biblical Christianity and the OPC are answered. Updated weekly.
The Wittenberg Door- An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties: The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel
Jonathan Edwards- Lots of his writings as well as biographical information
John Knox- Biography and some of his work
Thomas Manton- Biography and his complete works
Cotton Mather- Writings by him, about him and other Mather resources
John Owen- A biography and some of his works
Rev. David Stark's appeal to the RCUS (which was never heard)
Alexander Whyte- Sermons and biography
Ulrich Zwingli
Bahsen Theological Seminary
Biblical Theological Seminary- Located in Hatfield, PA
City Seminary- Located in Sacramento, CA
Covenant Theological Seminary- Located in St. Louis, MO
Cranmer Theological House- Located in Houston, TX
Farel Reformed Theological Seminary (Farel Faculte de Theologie Reformee)- Located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Instruction in French!
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary- Located in Greenville, SC
Knox Theological Seminary- Located in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Master's Seminary- Located in Santa Clarita, CA
Mid-America Reformed Seminary- Located in Dyer, IN
New Geneva Theological Seminary- Located in Colorado Springs, CO. Extension campuses in Baltimore, MD and Fredericksburg, VA
Northwest Theological Seminary- Located in Lynnwood, WA
Protestant Reformed Theological School- Located in Grandville, MI
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary- Located in Grand Rapids, MI
Reformed Episcopal Seminary- Located in Blue Bell, PA
Reformed International Theological Seminary- Located in Fellsmere, FL
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary- Located in Pittsburgh, PA
Reformed Theological Seminary- Campuses in Atlanta, GA, Charlotte, NC, Jackson, MS, Orlando, FL, and Washington, DC
Sangre de Cristo Seminary- Located in Westcliffe, CO
Western Reformed Seminary- Located in Tacoma, WA
Westminster Theological Seminary- Located in Glenside, PA (just outside Philadelphia)
Westminster Seminary California- Located in Escondido, CA
Westminster Theological Seminary, Texas- Located in Dallas, TX
Whitefield College of the Bible- Located in Greenville, SC
Whitefield Theological Seminary- Located in Lakeland, FL
Bible Sermons Online Free
reformed sermons available online in audio and text format, with catalogue of sermons available on audio cassette. Most sermons are preached by Rev. Maurice Roberts (editor of Banner of Truth Magazine), Inverness
Evangelical Reformed Church's Online Sermon Archive (MP3)
Grace Presbyterian Church's Online Sermon Archive (Real Audio)
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 14 by Rev. Ronald Cammenga
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 16, Question 44 by Rev. Charles Terpstra
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 18, Questions 46-49 by Rev. Charles Terpstra
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 22, Questions 57 & 58 by Rev. Gise J. Van Baren
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 25 by Rev. Herman Hoeksema
Man's Chief End Is To Glorify God- by Thomas Watson
Mt. Olive Tape Library- All tapes available for free through A GREAT resource!
Selected Sermons of George Whitefield
Sermon Audio- Huge collection of free MP3s of sermons and lectures.
Various Sermons by Ministers of the Protestant Reformed Church in America
Alexander Whyte's Sermons- Nine sermons on various topics.
AGES Software- Lots of reformed software for sale, but also some non-reformed. Be discerning.
Reformed Confessions 3.0 for Windows- Many Reformed Confessions in Windows Help File format. Free!
A Puritan's Mind- Lots of Reformed literature, focuses on the Puritans.
Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics- Lots of great resources
Christian Observer- Directories of reformed denominations, news and other reformed writings.
Covenant Community Reformed Resources
CrossTV- A Reformed television network!
Here I Stand T-Shirts and other resources
Ligonier Ministries- R. C. Sproul's organization
Modern Reformation Society- A Reformed Bible study in Bakersfield, CA A message board for Reformed discussions. Great stuff!
Puritan Quote of the Week
Rev. David Stark's appeal to the RCUS (which was never heard)
Third Millenium- Reformed resoures in English, Spanish, Portugese, Russian and Chinese.

As of 2/24/2001
Last updated on August 1, 2006