Updated Fri 11/4/2005

Nik's Place
A final note to you:
After 6 years of never touching this site, this is the final time I will ever edit it. I've been through so much since I did this, for god's sake I was in grade school when I created it and here I am about to graduate college! I have stopped by often to reminisce and for that reason I will never take it down until Geocities does that for me. But I use my Yahoo Mail account too frequently for them to do that. So I guess it will just be up here to see. Anyway, I have a site that I use exclusively for updates and things now, it's http://www.datarig.com. My friend Bogdan hosts it from his server in Malibu and I mostly host files there and update stuff there instead of here. If you knew me way back when in the deep dark ages of whenever, send me something to tell me how you are, I always like catching up with people. method14088@cs.com, use it early, use it often. Anyway, all errors on the site will remain, I really just don't want to mess with the site anymore because I will always cherish what I had, even though it seems kind of sappy, this site was my own and I loved it for that. I will still check in from time to time but will not change anything.
Peace to you all.
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