Number of visitors since August 21, 2007:
I revised Sexy Attached Analyzers for Winamp 5.
Plug-in submissions has been broken for a while now so this new version sits in unpublished limbo at the Winamp web site and until now burried away in a thread in the Winamp development forum.
You should download it from here since I couldn't attach the complete installer in a post at the Winamp forum since it is over the file attachment size limit.
Sorry, GeoCities does not allow .exe files to be hosted so you will need a zip file extractor.
Here's another thread at the Winamp forum talking about Classic Spectrum Analyzer. I must admit I like the title of the thread.
Any Winamp skin artists looking for something to do could possibly revise the BackAMP StoneAge 1.0b skin so that all the Winamp windows are skinned. In the skin text it says Do not expect any UPDATES - Download for Collections only! so I've never even tried to contact Fli7e for an update to this skin.
Perhaps you're familiar with modifying colours for the Winamp Modern skin... it would be great to have a colour theme to match the ChaNinja Style RC5 Windows theme with the default colour scheme (I include a ChaNinja profile with the plug-in). I'm thinking something very similar to the City Night colour theme except tweaked to match the ChaNinja RC5 default colour scheme.
No big news, been kinda bored lately and Geocities is going to shut down my site unless something gets updated, so here it is.
I feel bad that I never released Sexy Analyzer v2.0 but I honestly got in over my head when I started it and while it was working, it was extremely buggy.
I'll just file v2.0 along the same path as Winamp 3 went, although to be fair Sexy v2.0 wasn't bloated and slow, but it did crash often.
I recently read the reviews at on v1.61 and it's amazing to see people still like that plug-in, despite the fact it doesn't properly integrate with Winamp, and actually it doesn't seem to attach itself to Winamp 5.0. Not sure if I ever mentioned that it really was the first Win32 programming I ever did. Anyway, the comments at the Winamp site have me motivated to maybe do another plug-in, but I won't promise anything. Look Sexy v1.61 and more so the v2.0 screenshots to get an idea of what I'm thinking of... and yes, the plug-in will use DirectX so full screen mode will easily be supported (FYI Sexy v1.61 is all GDI). There's a chance I might even revisit v1.61 and update it to integrate with Winamp, but I'm not sure I want to spend time on v1.61.
Right now I'm wondering if anyone has actually read this?
And now back to the rest of the old page... nothing else has been updated.
Note: v1.61 should fix the above mentioned bug. Also new are high CPU usage variations of the analyzers. You might have to play around with the priority settings if the sound becomes choppy. On my system if I set the Plugin Priority any higher than Normal, the sound breaks up (I have all priority options set to normal).
See some screenshots of profiles I have made.
Download the latest version of Sexy
Attached Analyzer and please read the VisSatan.txt
file inside the zip!
Download the BackAMP StoneAge 1.0b skin - one of my favorite skins (made by Fli7e) - to install just copy the zip file to your Winamp skins directory
Version History - this can be read at the bottom of the VisSatan.txt file too.
Creating Colours - including the LCD secret revealed
Level Function - What is it and how to build a nice one
email me with your suggestions of features to add (please make sure they're not listed yet), or to simply say how much you like the plugin. I suppose you should also notify me if you discover any major bugs. Note that Yahoo mail has been broken for a while, as in I can't login to check this account. Seeing as how I made this address public you can only imagine how much spam it gets, so I rarely check it anyway.
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