LVARS *** Gi4GTY *** Northern Ireland

*** Hello ***

This is the Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Societies Web Site GI4GTY.
Lisburn, Northern Ireland

The Formal Monthly Meeting of the Society is held on the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) in the club shack near Lisburn

The normal start time is 8PM

We can operate on the HF bands with Fone, Data Modes, Cw, SSTV using a Icom IC725 feeding a 3el Tri-bander at 75ft.
We also can run 2m and 70cm FM es SSB.
Try a call on 145.500 FM for GI4GTY on a Wednesday evening when the Club Shack is most active.

This Site can be accessed at or

Society Members may like to signup with
I will then post there callsigns on the club site.
Members can then be contacted via directly by email ie

To view a members Web Page just type or click on the callsign below

Members so far:-
gi4nfh, gi0dvu, gi4sna, gi0tjj, gi4lkg, gi4rkc,
mi0bpb, mi0bot, mi0abn, mi1erl, gi4nto, gi4szp


A flashing red LED indicates a recent change in any of the files/links.
A change may be a new picture added or deleted. Info added or deleted etc.
A news item/file or a new hyperlink to another interesting web site maybe. Check it out.

******* Some Past Activities *******




Dayton Hamvention Trip 2000

St Johns Point Lighthouse Weekend 2001 Log es Pics

VHF National FieldDay 2002 - Pictures

Christmas Dinner 22nd January 2005 at the "Rockmount"

Hamfest March 2007 - Pictures

Sanda Island Lighthouse Weekend August 2007

2008 Hamfest Photographs

LVARS Powerpoint Presentation 2008

RALLIES & EVENTS in Northern Ireland 2008 & 2009

Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society GI4GTY Hamfest
Saturday 14th March 2009 @ 11.30AM
Note:- A change of venue for 2009 due to construction work at the Lagan Valley Hospital.

Venue for 2009 is the "Hillsborough Village Centre" Hillsborough, County Down

Checkout for centre details and location.

Many thanks to everyone who attended our hamfest and thanks to all the traders and others who helped and supported in any way on the day.

73 de LVARS Gi4GTY


Church Island ARG Radio Rally. St Marys, Bellaghy BT45 8JS on Fri 3rd April 2009 from 8pm to 10pm.

The Lough Erne Amateur Radio Rally will be held on Sunday 29th March 2009 in the
The Share Centre, Lisnaskea.
Doors open at 12 noon
Further details:

Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club Rally
Sunday ? 2009 at the Discovery Centre Oxford Island Craigavon

BDARS Bangor - Rally - Sunday 14th June 2009 at 12 Noon in "The Country Club", Crawfordsburn.

Marconi Radio Group Amateur Radio Rally - ?

Carrickfergus Rally - Sat 18th Oct 2008 in the usual venue (Downshire Community School, Carrickfergus
Over for another year

Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club Rally On Sunday @ 12noon 2nd Nov 2008 @ the
White Horse Hotel Campsie, Londonderry, BT47 3PA
Over agn - CU in 2009

The Internet links shown below will take you to most Amateur Radio Sites in the World.
*** ENJOY ***

73 de Victor GI4LKG Honorary President
Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society.

Email to:- or

Please come back soon and visit us.

The Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society thanks Geocities/Yahoo for hosting us on the World Wide Web.

Site refreshed/updated 5th July 2009

*** Magic links to Amateur Radio and Northern Ireland sites. (Try Them) ***

1 Ham Site-Equipment Reviews-Ham Sales-DXCluster Spots-Solar News .......
2 *** Radio Amateur Online *** - A superb web site - Well worth a look .........
3 Wire Antennas & Accessories - Chriss 2i0NIE - Many other bits es pieces ...
4 6 METERS - All you need to know abt this band - UKSMG.ORG .................
5 COOL FM * Local Belfast Radio Station with RealAudio (Listen In).............
6 Electronics Information Site- Components Info & Suppliers-Technical Data..
7 BDARS * Bangor N.Ireland Amateur Radio Club with Lots of Radio Links..
8 * DXCluster-OH2BUA * DXCC Lists * Contest Info * IOTA etc *................
9 ISS "International Space Station" Ham Radio - Lots of info on the ISS .........
10 How Things Work - A Very Interesting Site ....................................................
11 Antennas - All you need to know about Antennas - Honestly ..........................
12 Great SSTV - WxSat - Fax Site..........................................................................
13 Traffic Camera's in Downtown Belfast..............................................................
14 The Latest Satellite Weather Picture from the UK Met Office.......................
15 Super Web Site for all sorts of Electronic Projects and related subjects.........
16 Toms PC hardware site...Loads of PC info plus lots of other bit es pieces .....
17 AC6V Amateur Radio Gateway to DX and 1000's of Links. Try Any Subject
18 The DXers NoteBook Site.................................................................................
19 JBT Trading Limavady N. Ireland ~~~~ Jim-Bob Traynor New&Used Gear.
20 Amateur Radio plus many other subjects from ON4SKY - Great Web Site ...
21 100's Quick UK HamLinks++............................................................................
22 Strange SW Stns - Number Stns - Secret Sigs - Spook Radio - Odd Stations
23 SATSCAPE "The Best Satellite Tracking Program" Download It Here .......
24 New York JFK Airport - A real time map showing departures & arrivals ......
25 See the track of the Shuttle/ISS in real time......................................................
26 Manuals/Handbooks for lots of Amateur Radio Gear ......................................
27 Technical FAQ website - Lots of interesting topics to learn about - Try It .....
28 Radio Online.Public Safety, Aviation, Military, Scanning & HF Information
29 Satellite TV Frequency Lists..............................................................................
30 "Amazing Flea Market" ONLINE by G3WCI.Discovered by Reid MI0BOT
31 Scanner Frequencies etc (local).........................................................................
32 BELFAST City *** The Capital City of Northern Ireland ***.......................
33 Packet Radio - All you need to know - Yes Really ..........................................
34 Electronic Kits and Components - A UK Company - Reasonable prices .......
35 Amateur Radio Portal - Pathway to over 30000 Radio Web Sites .................
36 Finnish Software Download Site (Ham Related Stuff).....................................
37 LOGGER for PSK31 DXCluster,SatTracker,Greyline. Also Zakanaka .......
38 Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group C.A.R.G. (GI0LIX)..............................
39 FREE SITE Yes All is FREE for downloading ................................................
40 Antrim & District Amateur Radio Society ADARS GN4SIW .......................
41 Cheap Flights-Mainly Europe-Very good. URL from Norman GI4SZP ........
42 Gi0DVU .... Jim's very comprehensive amateur radio website. Check it out.
43 LIVE radio scanner action from San Francisco Bay area ...............................
44 Strong Signals Site - Frequency Lists - FAQ's ................................................
45 MI3LDO - Paul's Low VHF & FM DX Website - Check it Out ....................
46 GB7MBC Morecambe Bay Cluster - Watch 'LIVE' DX traffic plus more ..
47 TUCOWS Shareware Software by the 1000's ................................................
48 Fuzzy Modes Site - Hellschreiber, mfsk (piccolo) mt63 .................................
49 Radio MODS Site - Mainly Amateur Radio Equipment ...............................
50 New York USA - Times Square WebCam in Downtown New York City ......
51 Great Ham Radio Site - If you can't find it here - I don't know ! ..................
52 Convert Lat/Long to Maidenhead or Maidenhead to Lat/Long ....................
Software for your PC - Freeware & Shareware - All sorts of good stuff .......
ShopMart-Computers-Monitors-Printers-Electronics -> Comparisons ........
Tune a receiver from the comfort of your shack - Various locations .............
Amateur Radio SoundBlaster Programs ........................................................
Lisburn - Business, Information, History plus many more ............................
Amateur Radio - Ham Bandplans - Space - Satellites - Astronomy .............
The DX Zone - Well worth a look ...................................................................
K1DWU - Great Amateur Radio Site .............................................................
IRTS - Irish Radio Transmitters Society .......................................................
FREE PC Programs by the bucket load - Loads of different topics .............
Digital Modes - Links Paradise .....................................................................
Contesting Site - For all you contesting stations ...........................................
G0ISW - A outstanding resource for HF & VHF DX info PLUS other stuff
H.F. frequency lists plus .wav files of SatCom (Voice) and data modes ......
P & D Amateur & CB Radio Supplies Coleraine Tel 028 70 351335 ..........
"EchoLink" Amateur Radio InterNet Gateways - ........................................
Satellites, Planets, and Stars from your location. Site from Alan GI4WWZ.
Antenna Information - Projects - Plans - HF es VHF ....................................

Contact via email -
Secretary Andrew MI0BPB
Chairman Norman MI3EOD
Treasurer Reid MI0BOT
Qsl manager Jim GI0DVU


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Check here for your Eqsl cards

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