Keith Parris

You can contact me via e-mail at:

Business-Related Info

My areas of specialty are in using clusters of computers (particularly those running the VMS operating system) in high-availability and disaster-tolerant configurations, in troubleshooting difficult and hard-to-solve problems, in scaling clusters to meet the incredible growth rates of businesses in areas such as e-Commerce and cellular telecommunications, in performance analysis, and in I/O issues and storage configurations, including SANs.

I presently work for Hewlett-Packard as a Systems/Software Engineer in HP Services, Global Solutions Engineering, Multivendor Systems Engineering, doing consulting and fly-and-fix work for critical customer sites.

Summary of background and experience
Brief resume
Detailed resume

DECUS session notes and other publications

DECUS stands for 'Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society', the users' group covering the former Digital marketplace. After the purchase of Digital by Compaq in 1998, the U.S. Chapter of DECUS changed its name to Encompass. Compaq was purchased by HP in 2002. Encompass holds a yearly HP Enterprise Technical Symposium. Other chapters of DECUS exist around the world, and hold symposia in their geographical areas as well. In Europe, the former DECUS, later Compaq Users Organization, has merged with the pre-merger HP user's group, Interex, and they hold a yearly symposium called HP Enterprise Users Week. Interex in the USA holds a yearly symposium called HP World.

Here are the session notes for some of my sessions at these conferences:

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Personal Info

I live in Colorado, have a beautiful wife and 3 wonderful kids, and strive to live by Christian principles as a member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

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