Chilton Preview is an extension specifically designed to work with Microsoft Outlook. It adds a window below the message list window that displays the contents of the currently selected message and the To:/Cc: recipients. You can customize the preview window by right clicking on the preview window and choosing the Chilton Preview tab under Tools | Options. Internet and email addresses are highlighted in blue within the preview window and can be clicked to launch either a browser or new mail message window. File attachments can be opened or saved when applicable. Chilton Preview is also in the Utility Gallery at: Chilton Preview is recommended as a solution in Microsoft Outlook's Knowledge Base article: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:I would like to thank Deming Software for showing me that an Exchange/Outlook extension could create a preview window and Ben Goetter for direction, advice, and a great book, Developing Applications for Microsoft Exchange with C++, from Microsoft Press. I also would like to thank the Beta testers and users that provided feedback to make this product stable and feature filled.
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